Tag Archives: Creamer visits to White House status quo

Obama hired Robert Creamer in 2007 for “Camp Obama” seminars to train for door-to-door canvassing (for voter fraud), James O’Keefe Project Veritas video 2 canvassing explained, Creamer visits to White House status quo, O’Keefe earlier outted Obama’s ACORN voter fraud

Obama hired Robert Creamer in 2007 for “Camp Obama” seminars to train for door-to-door canvassing (for voter fraud), James O’Keefe Project Veritas video 2 canvassing explained, Creamer visits to White House status quo, O’Keefe earlier outted Obama’s ACORN voter fraud

“Obama hired Robert Creamer, a specialist in voter fraud, in 2007  to train supporters at  “Camp Obama” in door-to-door canvassing. That is a technique for gathering data for voter fraud.”…Citizen Wells

“North Carolina is the latest state featured by Project Veritas in its series on how America’s electoral system is extremely vulnerable to voter fraud. During last week’s North Carolina primary, James O’Keefe and his colleagues demonstrated how easy it is to obtain ballots even if the person has publicly professed not to be a U.S. citizen.”
O’Keefe also tells WND about his group’s visit to the University of North Carolina, where a dean and a program director laugh off confessions of voter fraud and even seem to encourage it. Yet a day later, both officials tell conservatives that voter fraud never happens.”…WND May 15, 2012

“It doesn’t matter what the friggin legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherf**cker”…Scott Foval, Project Veritas video



Obama was heavily involved with ACORN before running for the presidency.

James O’Keefe, a few years ago, exposed ACORN’s involvement in voter fraud and subsequently their funding was cut off by congress.

Obama hired Robert Creamer, a specialist in voter fraud, in 2007  to train supporters at  “Camp Obama” in door-to-door canvassing. That is a technique for gathering data for voter fraud. This is explained in the video below.

Robert Creamer resigned today from Democracy Partners after being outted in the video.

Robert Creamer visited the White House 342 times since 2009 and Obama 47 times.

Robert Creamer and Democracy Partners worked closely with Scott Foval and People for the American Way as well as the Hillary Campaign and DNC.

Scott Foval was fired yesterday.

Scott Foval, Deputy Political Director at People for the American Way explains canvassing.

“Now, if we just had the canvassers logging the homes, they don’t even have to know why they’re doing it. Just put a mark on it. And say, this address… we have moved, but moves could mean someone else moved in. And then take that data, and flip it out, and you give it to people, and you have people go vote in it. That’s brilliant. I love it.”

From Chicago Magazine November 29, 2007.

“Since June, Barack Obama’s presidential campaign has been gathering volunteers for its two-day “Camp Obama” seminars, where supporters learn techniques for phone banking, door-to-door canvassing, and other nuts-and-bolts campaign activities. The sessions are taught by campaign staffers, as well as by top Democratic operatives. One Camp Obama instructor has drawn partisan criticism, however. Robert Creamer, the former director of the state’s largest consumer advocacy organization, Citizen Action of Illinois, who in 2005 was sentenced to five months in prison after pleading guilty to bank fraud and withholding taxes while heading the group, has run sessions for Obama’s campers. Creamer’s role came to light after his “information-packed presentation” was described in a Vermont-based volunteer’s blog on Obama’s Web site.

An Obama campaign official says the campaign welcomed Creamer’s expertise because he is one of the most experienced organizers in Illinois. (Creamer’s wife, U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, is also a longtime Obama booster.) But conservative columnist and radio host Tom Roeser and other bloggers have argued that Creamer’s involvement undercuts Obama’s clean-cut, reform-minded public image. “Creamer’s being hired by the Obama campaign to instruct interns and volunteers in political organizing, abuses of which sent him to jail, is ironic,” as Roeser put it in his blog. Calls to Creamer’s office were not returned.”



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