Arizona 12k Biden lead with over 24k ballots uncounted < .5%, Attorney Sidney Powell states 42k ballots suspect, Fraud and irregularities, Recount and Fox apology required

Arizona 12k Biden lead with over 24k ballots uncounted < .5%, Attorney Sidney Powell states 42k ballots suspect, Fraud and irregularities, Recount and Fox apology required

“Shipp says the Democrats know they most likely will not win back the White House in the upcoming Presidential election. Shipp contends, “Their chance of winning in 2020, especially now with Trump’s success, is getting slim, and they are getting desperate. When they get desperate, and they have done this before, I think we can count on voter fraud. They are going to have to use it, and they have used it before. In any event, they have very little chance of winning now, in my view, because the majority of Americans find their platform distasteful. So, I think this (voter fraud) is going to happen.”…Kevin Shipp

“Coming out of the Democratic Chicago political establishment I know how they operate,” he said, pointing out Democrats control the political apparatus that counts the votes, the polling places, and the people who count the votes. “It’s a time-honored tradition” he said of Democratic election fraud.”…Rod Blagojevich, NewsMax Nov 6, 2020

“Attorney Sidney Powell 42k ballots in Arizona with only Joe Biden selected on ballots”…Maria Bartiroma show


By 7:00 AM ET this morning only 12k votes separate Joe Biden and President Trump.

Over 24k ballots are uncounted.

The difference is less than .5 percent.

Numerous allegations of fraud and voting irregularities have surfaced.

From Attorney Sidney Powell.

Fraud allegations and voting irregularities including voting hardware and software must be investigated.

A recount and an apology from Fox News are required.

More here:

4 responses to “Arizona 12k Biden lead with over 24k ballots uncounted < .5%, Attorney Sidney Powell states 42k ballots suspect, Fraud and irregularities, Recount and Fox apology required

  1. “RNC Chair Says 11,000 People Have Come Forward With Voter Fraud Claims
    On Tuesday night, Ronna McDaniel, Chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), told FOX News commentator Sean Hannity that she has 234 pages containing 500 sworn affidavits alleging 11,000 incidents of various types of voter fraud.”

  2. Wisconsin has a 89% to 94% participation rate. (See CW article 11/8)

    Arizona has a 78.6% rate.

    Food for thought.

  3. A Trump supporter by the name of Truman Black did a forensic report on each State

    To show how many Trump votes were switched to Biden

    The findings can be found on

  4. hocuspocus13.
    I saw something about that from a real news source.

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