Seth Rich expert witnesses filed by defendants Butowsky et al, William Binney and Frank Whalen, Aaron Rich v Butowsky et al, Feces to hit fan?

Seth Rich expert witnesses filed by defendants Butowsky et al, William Binney and Frank Whalen, Aaron Rich v Butowsky et al, Feces to hit fan?

“We can prove, that all the data that Wikileaks published from the DNC, that was downloaded on the 23rd and 25th of May, and also the 26th of August of 2016; all of that carried the signatures of being downloaded to a thumb drive or a CD-ROM, and physically transported,”...William Binney

“we have a witness who is prepared to identify the two killers of Seth Rich.” “Frank Whalen, a retired NYPD Detective Sergeant NYPD who served as the head of NYPD Homicide for 23 years, found the witness”…Jack Burkman

“Ms. Sines’s testimony flatly contradicts the FBI’s claims that (1) it did not investigate matters pertaining to Mr. Rich; (2) it did not examine his computer; and (3) it conducted a “reasonable” search but could not locate any records or communications about Mr. Rich. Specifically, Ms. Sines’s testimony flatly contradicts the affidavit testimony of FBI Section Chief David M. Hardy.”…Attorney Ty Clevenger March 29, 2020


From Aaron Rich v Edward Butowsky et al  August 27, 2020.


Defendants Edward Butowsky and Matthew Couch designate the following individuals as experts whose testimony is expected to cover the following topics:
1. Larry Johnson – Construction of intelligence narratives/analytical and logical
flaws in the Russian military intelligence DNC hacking narrative.
2. William Binney – Forensic analysis of DNC Wikileaks email metadata and
disproof of Russian remote hacking theory.
3. Frank Whalen – Law enforcement homicide procedures and investigative
4. Yakov Apelbaum – Digital evidence analysis of electronic communication use
and manipulation; root cause analysis of DNC hack.
5. John Moynihan – Forensic analysis of financial disclosures/adequacy of
disclosure for purposes of determining source/receipt of funds.
6. Richard Fisher, Fisher & Associates – Analysis and evaluation of
communications related to alleged defamation, conclusions and opinions as to defamation liability and potential impact.”

From Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) March 13, 2019.

“Recent forensic examination of the Wikileaks DNC files shows they were created on 23, 25 and 26 May 2016. (On June 12, Julian Assange announced he had them; WikiLeaks published them on July 22.) We recently discovered that the files reveal a FAT (File Allocation Table) system property. This shows that the data had been transferred to an external storage device, such as a thumb drive, before WikiLeaks posted them.

FAT is a simple file system named for its method of organization, the File Allocation Table. It is used for storage only and is not related to internet transfers like hacking. Were WikiLeaks to have received the DNC files via a hack, the last modified times on the files would be a random mixture of odd-and even-ending numbers.

Why is that important? The evidence lies in the “last modified” time stamps on the Wikileaks files. When a file is stored under the FAT file system the software rounds the time to the nearest even-numbered second. Every single one of the time stamps in the DNC files on WikiLeaks’ site ends in an even number.

We have examined 500 DNC email files stored on the Wikileaks site. All 500 files end in an even number—2, 4, 6, 8 or 0. If those files had been hacked over the Internet, there would be an equal probability of the time stamp ending in an odd number. The random probability that FAT was not used is 1 chance in 2 to the 500th power. Thus, these data show that the DNC emails posted by WikiLeaks went through a storage device, like a thumb drive, and were physically moved before Wikileaks posted the emails on the World Wide Web.

This finding alone is enough to raise reasonable doubts, for example, about Mueller’s indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers for hacking the DNC emails given to WikiLeaks. A defense attorney could easily use the forensics to argue that someone copied the DNC files to a storage device like a USB thumb drive and got them physically to WikiLeaks — not electronically via a hack.”

“For the steering group, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity:

William Binney, former NSA Technical Director for World Geopolitical & Military Analysis; Co-founder of NSA’s Signals Intelligence Automation Research Center (ret.)”

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Frank Whalen:


  • Monday Properties

    Investigator Pre Employment Screening

    Monday Properties

    2006 – 202014 years

  • Metro Investigative Services


    Metro Investigative Services

    Apr 2004 – 2020 16 years

  • NYPD

    Detective Sergeant (Ret.)


    1982 – 2004 22 years

    CO Brooklyn South Homicide Task Force

From Gateway Pundit July 9, 2018.

““We believe that we have reached the beginning of the end of the Seth Rich murder investigation,” Burkman told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview Sunday.  “After two long hard years of work, we have a witness who is prepared to identify the two killers of Seth Rich. One is reportedly a current DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) agent, the other is reportedly a current ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) agent”

The witness, who “fears for his life,” will be accompanied by armed guards and disguise his identity as he details how two employees of the United States government killed Seth in a press conference slated for Tuesday.

Frank Whalen, a retired NYPD Detective Sergeant NYPD who served as the head of NYPD Homicide for 23 years, found the witness, Burkman explained.”

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Messenger shooters and swamp dwellers beware. These witnesses will testify under oath.

Looks like the feces is going to hit the fan.


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6 responses to “Seth Rich expert witnesses filed by defendants Butowsky et al, William Binney and Frank Whalen, Aaron Rich v Butowsky et al, Feces to hit fan?

  1. “Re: Seth Rich, keep an eye on the National Security Division of the Justice Department. As you can see from the federal complaint, the NSD ignored a FOIA request that I filed back in 2018 for records about Seth Rich. And look at Paragraph 16, plus Exhibit 8. I think NSD is playing a bigger role in the “Russian hacking” narrative than most of us understood. By sending Seth Rich records there, it’s easier to keep things classified. So why would a “street robbery” investigation need to be classified?”…Attorney Ty Clevenger July 22, 2020

  2. CW
    …….perhaps the information contained on the documents requested is so damning, that it has the potential of bringing down a whole lot of upper echelon SLIME POLITICIANS……….AND THEY KNOW IT !!!!!

  3. AND…….
    probably we should NOT FORGET the words of Podesta…”I don’t have a problem with teaching Rich a LESSON”. Doug Band once told Mr. Podesta “If this story gets out we are screwed”. Podesta seems to be at the CENTER of everything. He puts me in mind of a TERRAPIN !!!!

  4. PERHAPS…….
    ……….the Rich documents contain the “STORY” implied by Doug Band !!!!

  5. AND TODAY……….
    ………..some Americans are finally seeing what our government was turned into over a period of several decades. A number of some of the worst human filth on earth has infiltrated, and now permeates our government. I have serious doubts that even Trump will be able to dislodge, and eject these BASTARDS. One of these people came to America from Hungary after the war in Europe was concluded. I have read that he BOUGHT his way into a life agreement which guarantees him, and subsequent generations the protection of our government. What was never learned is just how much NAZI GOLD he brought with him. This gold is in truth what was once the gold teeth and rings which once was either the gold teeth, or the rings of millions of Jews who were MURDERED by the BASTARDS who then stole it from their victims. This person has escaped prosecution at Nurenburg for his WAR CRIMES. He was a youngster during WW2 but he discovered that the NAZIS paid him for every Jew he turned in. In effect he too is a NAZI (COLLABORATOR) and he sits snugly in America protected by our government. Sadly VERY FEW Americans even care. There are now many of the same order of people who have sneaked into basic positions in our government. They are HIDDEN, but not a day passes that they aren’t calling the shots from their hiding places. Those who are foreign fugitives are protected by our government , or have protection because America does not belong to the ICC. It is such pieces of human filth who are now deeply embedded at secret places in our government, and are attempting to turn our government into a TOTALITARIAN form of government. If they are successful America is DEAD, and gone. These sort of people are some of the absolute worst human scum on earth. Americans who think a TOTALITARIAN government would be GREAT might even be successful if they vote DEMOCRATIC in November. Such people are LOW IQ folks who possess ONE TRACK MINDS, and think UP is DOWN, LEFT is RIGHT, and PINK IS GREEN. They believe everything they are told by morons among them.

  6. Pingback: Seth Rich murder and DNC leak involvement, Fox News et al silenced by Obama and Democrat attorneys, 4 prominent lawsuits drag on, Expert witnesses to testify?, Truth emerging? | Citizen WElls

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