Autism: we are not protecting our children, Autistic incidences skyrocket, EPA Study: Autism boom began in 1988  environmental factors are assumed, Flu vaccine use correlates well

Autism: we are not protecting our children, Autistic incidences skyrocket, EPA Study: Autism boom began in 1988  environmental factors are assumed, Flu vaccine use correlates well

“I’m also a little concerned about how they’re bunched up. My kids had all of their vaccines, and even if the science doesn’t say bunching them up is a problem, I ought to have the right to spread out my vaccines out a little bit at the very least.”…Rand Paul

“it is true that we are probably giving way too many in too short a period of time.”…Ben Carson

“Mercury is a highly toxic element; there is no known safe level of exposure. Ideally, neither children nor adults should have any mercury in their bodies because it provides no physiological benefit.”…National Institute of Health


From the Huffington Post June 23, 2010.

“EPA Study: Autism Boom Began in 1988, Environmental Factors Are Assumed

If it seems like most of the people you know with autism are 22 or younger, that’s because most people diagnosed with autism were born after 1987. A recent US EPA studyhas found a distinct “changepoint” year – or spike – in autism in California and elsewhere and concludes that it would be “prudent to assume that at least some portion of this increase is real and results from environmental factors.”

“In the Danish, California, and worldwide data sets, we found that an increase in autism disorder cumulative incidence began about (the birth cohort years) 1988-1989,” wrote the authors Michael E. Mc Donald and John F. Paul, of the EPA’s National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory.

“Although the debate about the nature of increasing autism continues,” they added, “the potential for this increase to be real and involve exogenous (external) environmental stressors exists.”

But it was the distinct timing in the increase of autism – the birth of an epidemic, as many believe – that was most notable, and which “may help in screening for potential candidate environmental stressors.”

“The calculated year was determined to be significant,” the EPA scientists said. The rate of increase before 1988 “was significantly different” than the rate after that year (the “postchangepoint,” in epidemiology parlance). In California, the rate spiked from 5.7-per-10,000 before the changepoint, to 20.8-per 10,000 in its wake, and the worldwide dataset showed a similar jump (from 6.0 to 24.2). In Denmark, the rise was even more dramatic, though total incidence was only a fraction of that in the US: from 0.6 to 6.6.”

“As they wrote:

Although artifacts associated with observed increases in various studies cannot be ruled out, from a precautionary standpoint, it seems prudent to assume that at least some portion of this increase in incidence is real and results from environmental factors interacting with susceptible populations. As such exposure is potentially preventable, identification of relevant candidate environmental factors should be a research priority.

Meanwhile, the scientists were surprised to find such similar changepoint years in California, Denmark and the worldwide dataset, although they conceded the data were consistent with similar studies done in Minnesota and Sweden, and a third US nationwide study which found, “the greatest increase in ASD prevalence occurring in cohorts born between 1987 and 1992.”

There are many external factors that could be associated with autism, the authors said, so knowing when the explosion in cases began should help narrow down the long list of suspects.

“Future studies should examine for novel or increasing exposures to environmental factors from gestation to at least age three for our calculated 1988-1989 birth cohorts,” the authors wrote. “Assuming a dose-response relationship, a candidate factor would have continued to increase in the environment from the late 1980s through at least the mid-1990s.”

But what could it (or they) be? According to the EPA:

  • Any candidate must be a substance or substances whose exposure level dramatically increased in developed countries beginning at the 1988 changepoint.
  • The candidate will likely be something whose exposure level was greater in California than in Denmark between 1988 and 1997.
  • The candidate is likely something that was introduced in developing countries later than California, Japan and Denmark. For example, a recent Hong Kong study “is suggestive of a rise in autism, but beginning more recently than our calculated changepoints.”
  • The candidate “would need to be disruptive to early human neural development.”
  • The candidate would need to have a route of exposure “consistent with bioavailability to fetuses and infants.”
  • The candidate would need to have increasing levels of US exposure between 1988 and at least 1995.
  • The potential for exposure to a variety of environmental factors “acting synergistically on susceptible populations also cannot be ruled out.”

The authors suggested an initial toxicological screening for potential autism-trigger candidates using the CDC’s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry or similar data sets.”

“Here are just some of the areas where science is looking:”

“VACCINES AND UNDERLYING DISORDERS – In January of this year, the Institute of Medicine’s Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines issued its “Working list of adverse events to be considered.” Included in the adverse events associated with the DTaP and MMR vaccines were “autism” and “Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)/Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD).” Interestingly, the IOM Committee said it would consider investigating so-called “Secondary” autism, or “autistic features arising from chronic encephalopathy, mitochondrial disorders and/or other underlying disorders.” In other words, vaccines don’t cause autism, but they might cause brain disease in certain predisposed kids, and that might lead to autism.

VACCINES AND IMMUNE STRESS – As for “Primary” autism, the IOM has been asked by the Federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP, or Vaccine Court) to consider reviewing all the medical literature since the 2004 IOM report that found no link. “In particular, VICP is interested in the Committee’s review on more recent theories of ‘neuroinflammation’ and ‘hyperarousal/overexcitation of the immune system via multiple simultaneous antigenic stimulation.” In other words, getting too many shots at once might cause an inappropriate neuro-immune response, such as that sometimes reported in autism.

VACCINES AND VIRAL PARTICLES – A brand new study reported finding pig and monkey viral particles in a number of vaccines. In the MMR II and Varivax (Chicken Pox) vaccines, researchers detected human endogenous retrovirus K, or HERV-K. The retrovirus was a “consequence of their manufacture using human cell lines.” A 2001 study of genes and autism reports on the development of “frozen blocks of DNA” caused by imperfect gene duplication. “It appears that human endogenous retroviruses (HERV) and
HERV fragments are involved,” the authors wrote. “The long version of the C4 gene, for
example, results from the integration of an HERV-K.”

Do vaccines and vaccine ingredients belong on the list of candidates? Many people say no, but the IOM and the VICP say yes.

I agree with the experts. And now that we have a “changepoint” of 1988, we should go back and look at vaccine exposures both pre- and post- changepoint. Between 1988 and 1996, the following vaccines were added to the US schedule for children in the first 15 months of life:

  • HiB – Improved Hib conjugate vaccine licensed in December 1987, and single dose added to childhood schedule in 1988.
  • DTaP – Additional dose at younger age added around 1990.
  • HiB – Three additional doses added to schedule in 1991.
  • Hep B – Three doses – Added to childhood schedule in 1992.
  • Chicken Pox – Approved in 1995, added to schedule in 1996

1988 was a very interesting year, and those children have a lot to tell us. Let’s listen.”

Read more:

I found the following graphs and correlations extremely interesting.

The growth in autism compared to flu vaccine distribution.

Flu vaccine distribution.

Autism increases.

Is there a cause and effect relationship between flu vaccines and Autism?

Dr. David Brownstein, Board-Certified family physician.

“The flu vaccine is a toxic mess that can contain mercury and other unwanted substances that should never be injected into any living being.  The flu vaccine has been around for many years and has never been shown to be very effective at preventing the flu.”\

Reverend Lisa Sykes, author of “Sacred Spark.”

“Lie #2 “Mercury was removed from all childhood vaccines in (pick any year between 1999 and the present).”

“The Facts: After “realizing” the amount of mercury in the childhood vaccination schedule recommended by the CDC exceeded all national and global maximum safety limits, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the United States Public Health Service called for the immediate removal of Thimerosal from all vaccines on July 7, 1999.

By 2003, the vaccine manufacturers had begun to react to the 1999 call by lowering the mercury content in many of the Thimerosal-preserved early childhood vaccines. However, in April of 2002, the CDC began recommending that pregnant women and very young children get annual Thimerosal-preserved flu shots. The result was a ‘shell game’ which has caused widespread confusion in the public because of press reports declaring, “Since (select a year between 1999 and the present), mercury has been removed from all recommended vaccines for children except for some flu shots.”

I am not stating that flu vaccines are a cause of autism but I do question the widespread use especially in small children and pregnant women.

Personally I have never had one and do not intend to have one.

More questions should be asked and more real science should be applied.

Mr. Trump, I urge you to get more involved.



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6 responses to “Autism: we are not protecting our children, Autistic incidences skyrocket, EPA Study: Autism boom began in 1988  environmental factors are assumed, Flu vaccine use correlates well

  1. citizenwells

    “Lie # 1 “Thimerosal, 49.55% mercury by weight, is safe when used as a preservative in vaccines and other drugs.”
    The Facts: The Eli Lilly Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Thimerosal acknowledges that exposure to Thimerosal in utero and in children can cause “mild to severe mental retardation and mild to severe gross motor impairment.” The Sigma Aldrich MSDS lists abortion and fetal death as possible outcomes of in utero exposure.

    Nonetheless, most seasonal and H1N1 flu shots for pregnant women and young children contain 25 micrograms of mercury in the form of Thimerosal. For this exposure to be safe, a child would need to weigh more than 550 pounds.

    Thimerosal is a poison, neurotoxin, cancer-causer, and can interrupt the immune system and the normal development of an unborn baby or a child. Thimerosal is so toxic that putting it on your skin is illegal. However, the government not only allows but also defends its injection into the population, especially pregnant women and newborn children, as part of influenza vaccines currently recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”

  2. Dr. David Brownstein, Board-Certified family physician.

    “The flu vaccine is a toxic mess that can contain mercury and other unwanted substances that should never be injected into any living being. The flu vaccine has been around for many years and has never been shown to be very effective at preventing the flu.”
    CW, and longtime readers,

    You know my take on the flu shot. Dr. Brownstein is 100% correct.

    When the ‘Swine flu pandemic’ (which never materialized) hit back in 2009, the ‘vaccine’ was rushed to market without the proper clinical trials. Clinical trials take years, and this one was on the market in mere months.

    When the public didn’t buy into the hype, many H1N1 shots were left over; European and Middle Eastern countries didn’t want them, so they were added to our seasonal flu shots, unbeknownst to the public. Even those delivering the shots had no idea what was in them. I, and others in the field, knew what was in those shots: Animal cancer cells and Tween-80 (a detergent) were in that vaccine, in addition to other substances you would not want injected into your body, including Thimerosal. I think this may be what Dr. Brownstein refers to in his comment.

    Don’t think that the gub’mint can’t hurt you? Think again. Long and hard.

  3. The gov’t doesn’t tell you the real risk of getting the flu, which is about 3%. The risk of getting the flu is 1.4% if you get the shot.

    So the gov’t tells you that you reduce the risk of getting the flu by 60%, which sounds like a lot and scares you into getting it.

    That is just one of the sneaky ways the gov’t tries to coerce people into getting the shot.

    And that’s not even the worst of it! The other ways they try to get you, or your kid, to take various vaccines is not letting them in school if they don’t get one or to outright make it a law to take them.

    Harvard medical school’s Dr Marcia Angell, the former chief editor of the New England Journal of Medicine said:
    “is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted …”

    And how does the New England Journal of Medicine attempt to fight the “deniers”?
    -NEJM Blasts “Crusade,” Omits that Its Former Editor Launched It | THCB › Economics
    Jan 19, 2018 –

    The research isn’t worth a ****, yet they ridicule people who won’t believe it and try to get legislatures to make laws forcing people to take what they’re pushing.

    Vaccine research is no different than global warming research. No different at all.

  4. The SJW House Chaplain is back on the job.

    –Leftist House Chaplain keeps job as Ryan backs down–

    We control the House, but the left still gets to choose the Chaplain, who is a SJW.

  5. The hits just keep on comin:

    Buried in FBI files released under Freedom of Information Act requests is a nugget WikiLeaks posted on Twitter Saturday that makes the entire FBI Clinton probe more than a little suspect.

    New FOIA docs show that FBI lost chain of custody for five weeks of Hillary Clinton’s server. Say they lost the chain entirely and created a new one.

    — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) May 5, 2018

    The loss of the chain of custody doesn’t necessarily prove the server itself ever left FBI hands, but it does mean the FBI can’t prove its whereabouts from the time the machinery was supposedly taken into government supervision.

    It also raises legitimate suspicions that the server might have been doctored during the time it was supposedly secure, with critical files added, deleted or otherwise modified.

    And it basically destroys the server’s usefulness to the prosecution if it were ever needed for a criminal trial.

    The distrust of the FBI in that last tweet is the worst part of the whole Bill and Hillary Clinton effect — which has been to pollute everything the couple has been involved with since at least the late 1980s. Until the Clintons came along, most Americans would give the FBI the benefit of the doubt. With every day that passes bringing new revelations of just how much of a pass Hillary’s campaign got, that trust is getting eroded.

  6. bob strauss

    Hillary Rodham Clinton is quite possibly the most corrupt Secretary of State in American history, and no doubt the most corrupt politician to ever walk the face of the earth.

    America truly dodged a bullet by avoiding the election of this wicked witch, and thanks to the newest tweet from Wikileaks dumping this story into the laps of the general public, they can be reminded just how corrupt the entire Obama regime actually was.

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