Obama gay down low life revisited, WND investigation, Reverend Jeremiah Wright Down Low Club, The program, Larry Sinclair allegations substantiated, Donald Young murder

Obama gay down low life revisited, WND investigation, Reverend Jeremiah Wright Down Low Club, The program, Larry Sinclair allegations substantiated, Donald Young murder

“Why was Barack Obama absent from the opening session of the IL Senate on November 4, 1999?”…Citizen Wells

“I spent the last two years of high school in a daze, locking away the questions that life seemed insistent on imposing. I kept playing basketball, attended
classes sparingly, drank beer heavily, and tried drugs enthusiastically.”…Barack Obama

“In both conversations with Obama for America and AKP Message & Media, I explained that on November 6, 1999, I had been introduced to Barack Obama by a friend and that Obama had, in fact, sold me an eight-ball of cocaine and had himself engaged in smoking crack cocaine in my limo on that date and again in my hotel room the following day.”…Larry Sinclair, “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder”

Barack Obama’s gay side, his down low activity, has been extensively covered at Citizen Wells beginning early in 2008 with the Larry Sinclair allegations of a drug sex encounter with Obama in 1999. Obama’s long time drug use is well documented too.

From WND October 2, 2012.


‘Matchmaker’ Rev. Jeremiah Wright ‘provided cover for gays'”

“Ten years ago, the New York Times reported on a growing underground subculture in the black community known as Down Low, comprised largely of men who secretly engage in homosexual activity while living “straight” lives in public.

It’s within that subtext that opposition researchers for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign began investigating rumors that Rev. Jeremiah Wright was running a “matchmaking service” for members of his Trinity United Church of Christ known as the Down Low Club, which included Barack Obama.

Over the past several months, WND investigators have interviewed a number of members of the church who claim the president benefited from Wright’s efforts to help black men who engage in homosexual activity appear respectable in black society by finding them a wife.

The 2003 New York Times story, “Double Lives on the Down Low,” said that though many black men reject “a gay culture they perceive as white and effeminate,” they “have settled on a new identity, with its own vocabulary and customs and its own name: Down Low.”

The Times said that while “there are black men who are openly gay, it seems that the majority of those having sex with men still lead secret lives, products of a black culture that deems masculinity and fatherhood as a black man’s primary responsibility – and homosexuality as a white man’s perversion.”

The Down Low Club at Trinity “doesn’t have meetings, and it isn’t like the Rotary Club,” a source identified for this article as “Carolyn” explained to a WND investigator in Chicago.

“It was more that Wright served as a matchmaker,” said Carolyn, a 20-year member of Trinity who has played a role in church administration and knows the Obamas personally.

“He kept his eye on the young guys coming up in Trinity,” she said, “and if he spotted someone that acted or looked gay, then Wright would give them kind of a guidance counselor-type direction on how to keep down low – how to do the things they wanted to do, but then also getting married and looking ‘respectable’ – being part of black society.”

To Trinity insiders, the Down Low Club was simply known as “the program.”

“That’s the terminology. At Trinity, you’re urged to ‘get with the program,’” explained a male beneficiary of the Down Low Club. “What that means is it’s OK to go ahead and have sex with men, just as long as you ‘get with the program’ and marry a woman, somebody no straight guy would want to marry.”

The wife, the Down Low Club member explained, is “your ‘beard,’ your cover – so you can look like you’re living a straight life, even thought your not.”

The male source was a “computer consultant” who claims not to know “scratch” about computers. But “getting with the program” at Trinity meant he could keep living a “gay” life and receive lots of computer consulting work thrown his way by Trinity, as long as he was willing to marry an unattractive woman who otherwise might have ended up a lonely spinster with no means to provide for living.

Carolyn explained that for many black families, attending Trinity was a way out of poverty.

“Trinity was a chance to network,” she said. “The stuff preached was hateful, but about 70 percent of those who go there ignore the radical rhetoric and just trying to get ahead.”

Carolyn said Trinity “helped a lot of blacks get successful and connected.”

“That’s what Wright did for Obama,” she claimed. “He connected Obama in the community, and he helped Obama hide his homosexuality.”

Openly homosexual author and commentator Keith Boykin, a former White House adviser to President Bill Clinton, mentions Obama’s former pastor, Wright, on pages 264-265 of his 2005 book “Beyond the Down Low: Sex, Lies, and Denial in Black America.” While Boykin doesn’t refer to the Down Low Club by name, he regards Wright as among a small group of ministers who are “coming to grips with sexuality and opening up a dialogue with heterosexuals, homosexuals, and bisexuals in the pews.”

Chicago-based author, businessman, speaker and HIV/AIDS activist J.L. King wrote a controversial book in 2005 called “On the Down Low: A Journey into the Lives of ‘Straight’ Black Men who Sleep with Men.”

He was a guest on Oprah Winfrey’s Chicago-based TV show in 2004, which described him this way: “J.L. King had a life most would envy. He married his high school sweetheart, had two healthy children and was on the fast track to success. But, unbeknownst to his family and friends, he had a dark secret—he was living on the down low.”

Carolyn and the other members of Trinity who provided statements corroborating her testimony were insistent that WND conceal their identities as a condition of being interviewed.

“I’m still scared to discuss any of this,” Carolyn said.

“At Trinity, if you even hint at talking about Obama being gay, you are reminded of our dear departed choir director,” she said. “He was killed, and it wasn’t a robbery. The Christmas presents weren’t touched. The TV was not taken, nothing in the apartment was missing.”

Carolyn’s reference was to Donald Young, the 47-year-old homosexual choirmaster at Trinity who died of multiple gunshot wounds in his Chicago apartment Dec. 24, 2007.

Young’s murder was preceded Nov. 17, 2007, with the execution-style murder of 25-year-old Larry Bland, another black gay member of Trinity United. He also was murdered in his home, dying of multiple gunshot wounds, according to his death certificate.

Just two days after the murder of Young, a third openly “gay” member of Wright’s church, Nate Spencer, reportedly died of septicemia, pneumonia and AIDS.

Sensational charges

As WND reported last month, a prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House.

In April, WND reported a federal judge dismissed a libel case against Larry Sinclair, a homosexual who claimed Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign had paid to rig a polygraph test regarding Sinclair’s sensational charge that he had sex and used cocaine twice with Obama while Obama was an Illinois state senator. Sinclair tells his story in “Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder.”

WND also reported former radical activist John Drew has said that when he met Obama when Obama was a student at Occidental College, he thought Obama and his then-Pakistani roommate were “gay” lovers.

In addition, rumors have swirled around Obama’s relationship with his personal aide and former “body man,” Reggie Love, who resurfaced on the eve of the Republican National Convention to support his old boss. Love resigned from the White House in November 2011 after compromising photographs of him as a college student received wide circulation.

WND also has documented in two separate articles, here and here, that Obama wore a gold band on his wedding ring finger from the time he attended Occidental College through his student days at Harvard Law School.

Shocking phone call

Sinclair gave an affidavit to the Chicago Police Department regarding contacts he says he had with Young just prior to Young’s murder.

According to Sinclair’s affidavit, published in its entirety beginning on page 56 of his book, he contacted Obama’s presidential campaign in September 2007. Sinclair says he requested that Obama correct claims he made about when he stopped abusing drugs to reflect use of crack cocaine during their sex encounters in November 1999.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama had stated famously he stopped using marijuana and cocaine in college, implying his drug abuse ended when he had completed his first two years of college at Occidental in Los Angeles.

Sinclair explained that when he made contact with the Obama campaign in September 2007, he provided callback numbers, in case the campaign wanted to get in touch with him.

Then, in late September or early October 2007, as Sinclair stated in his affidavit, he received a call from a male identifying himself as “Mr. Young,” who stated he was responding to calls Sinclair had made to the Obama campaign.

“This first call shocked me in that this ‘Mr. Young’ asked me why I had not asked Senator Obama to disclose sexual encounters I had with Mr. Obama in 1999,” Sinclair’s affidavit reads. “I was shocked as I had never mentioned to the campaign or anyone working for the campaign any sexual encounters. The call ended with Mr. Young stating I would hear from someone in a few days.”

Sinclair claims it was in a second call from “Mr. Young” that he began to suspect the man had been sexually intimate with Obama. Sinclair said he drew that conclusion “by the tone of the conversation” and by its “sexual nature.”

In late October 2007, Sinclair received a text message from “Mr. Young” stating Young “was intimately involved with Senator Obama and that Obama was discussing with him and his pastor how to publicly acknowledge Senator Obama’s drug use in 1999.”

The text message also indicated Obama wanted to make sure Sinclair had not discussed the sexual encounters or drug use with any media at that time.

In November 2007, Sinclair received a second text message from “Mr. Young,” advising him that Obama would publicly correct his statement as to the last time he used drugs and that Sinclair did not need to concern himself with publicly disclosing it.

Then, in early December 2007, Sinclair received his last contact with “Mr. Young,” with Young making it clear Obama had no intention of acknowledging publicly his use of crack cocaine in 1999.

After Young was murdered, Sinclair had several contacts with Young’s family.

“In several telephone conversations with his sisters, brothers, nieces and others, I was reassured that the family of Donald Young believed he was murdered to protect Barack Obama,” Sinclair wrote. “It also became clear, right from the start that members of the Young family were truly fearful of speaking out publicly, to this day, they fear for their own personal, physical safety.”

On July 17, 2010, the supermarket tabloid The Globe published an interview with Norma Jean Young, the 76-year-old mother of the slain choirmaster, in which she expressed fear that her son was murdered to protect Obama.

“What was the cause of my son’s death?” Norma Jean Young asked in the Globe interview. “I’m very suspicious that it may have been related to Obama. Donald and Obama were very close friends. Whatever went on with this is very private. I am suspicious of a cover-up!”

She insisted there is “more to the story,” calling on Chicago police to ramp up their investigation.

“I do believe they are shielding somebody or protecting somebody,” she told The Globe.

Asked who would benefit from a cover-up, Norma Jean Young said, “It could be anyone, including Obama.”

Shortly after the Globe interview was published, Norma Jean Young left Chicago and lived for a while in Peoria, Ill. Her current residence is unknown.

The murders of Donald Young and Larry Bland remain today open cases of unsolved homicide.”


90 responses to “Obama gay down low life revisited, WND investigation, Reverend Jeremiah Wright Down Low Club, The program, Larry Sinclair allegations substantiated, Donald Young murder

  1. Call. Congress with this article tell them to print out for congressman,senator.
    People must know alllllll Truth

  2. Hot article http://www.repubx.com oct 1st
    hOlder at Columbia University participated in Armed takeover of former ROTC office
    Pass this on

  3. Awesome One Minute Ad

  4. “Trump on Greta to Romney: Obama Passport Records, College Records, Born in Kenya Bio”


    Published on Oct 2, 2012

  5. They keep showing the empty stage with the two podiums for tonight’s debate. They ought to show one podium and one empty chair!

  6. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Gordo posted an awesome article called “Just Happened” by Ron Fredrick in CW’s last post. I endorsed it but then I see you have to pay NOW to read it. I found it at another site and here it is. IT IS TOO IMPORTANT not to read .


  7. Wow Mr. Bill, that is an icredible encapsulation of the “coincidences” surrounding the life of Barack Hussein Obama that the mainstream media is simply not interested in reporting, provided by Mr. Frederick. My goodness, this is powerful stuff. Brilliant job of collecting and analyzing the evidence.

  8. At Don Fredrick’s site:

    “Just happened…”


  9. Qualifications For President….According To Obama!


  10. GORDO………

    That is one of the best descriptions of the “mess” the American people brought upon themselves I have even read…

    It hit all the bases………..thanks

  11. Gianni | October 3, 2012 at 10:10 am |

    Wow Mr. Bill, that is an incredible encapsulation of the “coincidences” surrounding the life of Barack Hussein Obama that the mainstream media is simply not interested in reporting, provided by Mr. Frederick. My goodness, this is powerful stuff. Brilliant job of collecting and analyzing the evidence.
    Earlier post called them “Black Muslims”, from the Louie Farrakan clan, out of Chicago, they are mafia thugs, and rule with an iron fist, and intimidation, who are aligned with The Muslim Brotherhood, which explains their position in the Middle East.

  12. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Gordo – Thanks for the audio too. “Just Happened” gives rise to a new adjective – “IncestuousnessT” and makes me think also of the book by Winston Churchill – “While England Slept”.

  13. NBC_Vic_Hern

    Rush just talking about and playing audio of Rev E W Jackson.
    Great exposure for all of us, very informative to many.

  14. NBC_Vic_Hern

    Dare I say uplifting to us free spirits?

  15. October 3

    Kevin DuJan:

    “Time to tell everyone you know about Jeremiah Wright’s “Down Low Club” … ”

    “Dr. Jerome Corsi has bravely broken the longstanding embargo on talking about Jeremiah Wright’s “Down Low Club” at Trinity United Church of Christ here in Chicago. …

    Like “Fight Club”, the first rule of the “Down Low Club” is to never talk about the “Down Low Club”. If you do, you will be murdered. That’s not a joke. There were a string of murders from 2005-2007 that involved men who were killed because they had knowledge of Jeremiah Wright’s Down Low Club and the closeted gay black men who partook in the club’s orchestrated cover-up of their homosexuality.”


  16. Audio Edition Of Obama’s “Dreams From My Father” Scrubs Every Reference To His Communist Mentor Frank Marshall Davis…

    Why Was Obama‘s Audio Book Version of ’Dreams From My Father’ Purged of All References to Communist Mentor?


  17. GORDO | October 3, 2012 at 1:55 pm |

    October 3

    Kevin DuJan:

    “Time to tell everyone you know about Jeremiah Wright’s “Down Low Club” … ”

    Like “Fight Club”, the first rule of the “Down Low Club” is to never talk about the “Down Low Club”. If you do, you will be murdered. That’s not a joke. There were a string of murders from 2005-2007 that involved men who were killed because they had knowledge of Jeremiah Wright’s Down Low Club and the closeted gay black men who partook in the club’s orchestrated cover-up of their homosexuality.”
    Could it be, the “Down Low Club” is also hiding the fact that they are really ” Black” Muslims, as well as homosexuals?

  18. Coulter On Race Tape: “He Just Turns It On & Suddenly We Got Malcolm X”

    Ann Coulter: Obama is such a fraud. He grew up in Beverly Hills 90210 existence but is just desperate to have this angry black person persona. It’s rather like reading about, you know, Hitler’s musings on his Germanic identity. You know, he graduated from this fancy, fancy school in Hawaii, voted recently the greenest school in America. And yet when he wants to, he just turns it on and suddenly we got Malcolm X speaking to us.

    Mark Levin: Well, actually, he and his wife, I mean they really have had better than the quote, unquote middle class lives, haven’t they? I mean they’ve gone to great Ivy League schools, as you point out. They live great lives, people have helped take care of them. Now they live like a king and queen.

    Coulter: Yes, and still angry. It’s all an act. It’s like his 70% of Twitter followers being fake. The whole thing is just smoke and mirrors. And at least for people of our generation, I mean this is a large part of why we have more child molesters than racists in America. It just isn’t part of our existence. During our entire lifetimes, the only affect of being black is that you get benefits, doors open for you. You are more likely to get a position in the Harvard Law School. Anyone who grew up watching the Brady Bunch — racism and discrimination, at least discrimination against black people, there is some discrimination against white people — simply isn’t a part of our conceptional apparatus. Which is why it is so strange, of all people, this half-black man born in Hawaii in 1961 walking around like he’s Martin Luther King. (Mark Levin Show, October 2, 2012)


  19. Obama Says He Would Have Tried Bin Laden In The Federal Court System If He Was Captured Alive…


    Didn’t he suggest that our troops, if happening to kill civilians in the fog of war, should be tried under the World Court???

  20. Obama in 2005 Country,White House have’passive indifference’toward blacks

    Obama in 2005 Country,White House have’passive indifference’toward blacks


    Obama in 2005: U.S. ‘indifferent’ toward blacks
    More racial remarks regarding Hurricane Katrina unearthed

  21. Obama 2002 Rich people are all for non-violence” unless they are perpetrating it


    Obama 2002 MLK speech: “Rich people are all for non-violence”, unless they are perpetrating it

  22. October Surprise: Obama Plans Major Airstrike on Libyan Targets


    So they screw up in not providing the called for security that may have prevented the murders of our own…..and now they’re going to incite more flames and destruction so he can supposedly look strong??? More waste and more spending for more chaos. No one wanted to push these Libya/Egypt Muslim Brotherhood campaigns in the first place. I hope the public reaction will be “get these dangerous fools out of there”. And this may be an excuse for Hillary to claim an inability to speak about things when she has to testify next Wed.

  23. Michael Savage UStream Broadcast 9-30-2012

    Michael Savage discussion of end of Savage Nation on TRN and current events, politics, teddy, and everything Savage!

  24. citizenwells

    Romney’s opening statement was a masterpiece.

  25. citizenwells

    Romney is the man!

  26. Re: citizenwells | October 3, 2012 at 9:09 pm & citizenwells | October 3, 2012 at 9:23 pm |

    Are you watching the debate online? What is your link?

  27. Romney won, hands down! Obama was lying as usual, and, I’ll tell you, it would be most difficult to debate with such a habitual liar. I agree with Pat Buchanan (on Greta’s program) that he doesn’t see how Romney could have done a better job.

  28. Andrew Sullivan: ‘Calamity for Obama’


    Andrew Sullivan, the Daily Beast’s designated Obama sycophant (or one of many) has declared the debate for Romney early. So far, he’s stated that the debate is a “wipe-out for Romney.” He’s explained that it is a “rolling calamity for Obama. He’s boring, abstract, and less human-seeming than Romney! I can’t even follow him half the time. Either exhausted, over-briefed … or just flailing. He is throwing this debate away.”

    When you’ve lost Andrew Sullivan and Nicholas Kristof, you’ve lost the debate, Mr. President.

    Apparently the “Chicago way” doesn’t work when you’re not surrounded only by friendly thugs!

  29. Watching these debates is like watching the World-Wide Wrestling Federation. I’m waiting for Vince McMahon to start narrating so he can let us know when the pile driving and chair bashing begins between Romney and Soetoro.

    After all, it is a giant facade. Entertaining, but 100% farcical.

  30. CW, Notice how barky refused to look at Mitt, and kept his head down most of the time; Mitt looked directly at barky when he uttered his standard lies.

    Mitt was on topic; barky was all over the place and it might be me, but his answers were disjointed…he didn’t address the topics sufficiently. He stuttered a lot and seemed to shtruggle (Moochelle’s pronunciation) to find words; ANY words. Many conservative sites seemed to think that barky was given the questions in advance; if he did know what was going to be asked, he didn’t do his due diligence to study and come up with logical answers; there were none, IMO.

    I also noticed that Mitt had all his facts and figures straight and I think he blew barky away with an honest dollars and cents approach as to why we’re in the mess we’re in.

    Round #1 goes to Mitt; no doubt about it. Think the lamestream media will agree? I don’t think so.

    I’d like to sell tickets to the Ryan/Biden debate on October 11; that’ll be one for the history books :).

  31. I had NBC on about 15 minutes ago for a couple of seconds. I wish you could have seen there faces! Brian Williams, David Gregory, and Chuck Todd; they looked really defeated. The best couple of seconds in the last 4 years. And Brokaw too.


    All I saw was hate coming out of Obama’s eyes…..although he spent most of his time looking down…..I’m sure he missed his loyal companion, TOTUS, tonight.

    Final Score:

    Romney 5 (one point for each segment)

    Obama 0 (no points for just showing up)

    p.s. Personally, I think Joe Biden could have done better tonight

  33. Video: Tingles Has Post-Debate Meltdown…


    This is what happens when you are a willing sychophant of a naked emperor…..you break down.

  34. Chris Matthews said, “anymore debates like that and it’s over for Obama”.

  35. RMinNC | October 3, 2012 at 11:02 pm |

    Hi RM,

    Barky looked a tad pis*ed off, didn’t he? That fake smile he likes to flash was sooo obvious and forced.

    When the families came up on stage, I found myself saying ‘Moose, don’t you DARE lay a hand on Ann!’ I think she’d be capable of physical violence if she thought she’d be losing her taxpayer-funded credit card soon. Class vs. trash; time to dump the latter out on the curb…

    I’m happy tonight :).

  36. SueK | October 3, 2012 at 10:53 pm |
    CW, Notice how barky refused to look at Mitt, and kept his head down most of the time; Mitt looked directly at barky when he uttered his standard lies.
    SueK, I so agree with all you have said. This was a very good night for Romney and very bad for Obama, who can’t deal with tough questions. After all, the media just tosses him softballs and he would much rather be on the campaign trail – shaking hands, etc.

    RMinNC – Quite a night!! Obama’s looks did give him away. It was impossible for him to cover up his feelings, and he would rather have been out on the golf course, snorting cocaine, or indulging in other sensual pleasures.

  37. Philo-Publius

    Great job by Mitt tonight.

    Obama’s chickens came home to roost and took a crap on his big head.

    The liberal talking heads are not happy with his performance.

  38. Maybe for the next debate Zero will just send in the empty chair! Same difference.

  39. Cabbyaz….

    Frank Lutz’s survey group is hitting it out of the park………

    Out of the 25+ there….most went into the debate supporting Obama…

    they came out of the debate solidly in Romney’s camp…

    I would almost bet that Obama won’t show up for the next one, unless he can have his teleprompter…

  40. Next week, round two. Macho Man Randy vs. Hulk Hogan. Hulk is high as a kite after the first mat pinning of Macho with ease. But week two could be sinister…

    Week two. Macho piles a chair to the head. Will Hogan be defeated? Macho’s smooth yet arrogant flexing against the good ole boy Hulk results in a massive head injury. Hulk is dizzy. Will he get up??? Yes! Hulk manages to get to the ropes and form a double pile driver to the head of Macho. Hogan walks away in a dizzy spell, while Mr. Savage stays on the mat, screaming “Oh yeah? Rules? Well rules were made to be broken. AND YOUR NECK COULD BE BROKEN!”

    Stay tuned for the next match in week 3! (cut to commercial)

    Come on people, please pay attention to the big election picture here.

  41. CDR Kerchner (Ret)’s Blog:

    “100% Proof Rick Santorum Not a Natural Born Citizen. Father naturalized in 1961 3 yrs after Rick was born in 1958. FOIA Response Re Aldo Santorum”

    “… It is obvious the the politicians in both political parties are perfectly willing to put their personal political ambition and party politics above the U.S. Constitution and then ignore We the People when we ask them what the heck is going on. The Republican Party has been in cahoots with the Democrat Party to ignore the U.S. Constitution and thus we got the debacle and constitutional crisis we are in now with an illegal, unconstitutional person Obama residing in the White House. …

    Rick Santorum, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal are clearly not constitutionally eligible to serve as President or VP and yet the Republican Party puts them forward and protects them. And people ask why the Republican Party and their supporters in the major media don’t want to discuss Obama’s lack of natural born Citizenship. This is why. Neither political party wants Article II Section 1 Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution enforced. …”

    100% Proof Rick Santorum Born a Dual-Citizen and Does Not Have Sole Allegiance at Birth to the USA and thus is Not a Natural Born Citizen to Constitutional Standards. His Father Aldo was an Italian Citizen when Rick Was Born and Only perfected his naturalization and citizenship to the U.S. in 1961 3 yrs after Rick was born in 1958. Rick Thus Inherited His Father’s Italian Citizenship from His Father When Rick was Born. Aldo Did Not Renounce His Italian Citizenship Until 1961. FOIA Response Re Aldo Santorum

    “See the FOIA response documents re Aldo Santorum’s 1961 citizenship application here:”

  42. Presidential 2012 Debate Coverage Here:


    And Here:

    4 Debates: Romney VS Obama Debate Schedule on C-Span:


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    “The dates and venues have been announced for the 2012 Presidential debates between President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney. The date for the Vice Presidential debate has also been announced.

    TV Channels – Each debate will be broadcast live on C-SPAN, ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC, as well as all cable news channels including CNN, Fox News and MSNBC among others.

    Live Stream – Each debate will be streamed live online. Check back here for the live stream.

    October 3, 2012
    President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney Live Stream (Begins around 8pm et)
    Topic: Domestic policy
    Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time
    Location: University of Denver in Denver, Colorado (Tickets)
    Moderator: Jim Lehrer (Host of NewsHour on PBS)

    The debate will focus on domestic policy and be divided into six time segments of approximately 15 minutes each on topics to be selected by the moderator and announced several weeks before the debate.

    The moderator will open each segment with a question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a discussion of the topic.

    * * *

    October 11, 2012 Vice Presidential Debate:
    Vice President Joe Biden and Representative Paul Ryan
    Topic: Foreign and domestic policy
    Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time
    Location: Centre College in Danville, Kentucky (Tickets)
    Participants: Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan
    Moderator: Martha Raddatz (ABC News Chief Foreign Correspondent)

    The debate will cover both foreign and domestic topics and be divided into nine time segments of approximately 10 minutes each. The moderator will ask an opening question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a discussion of the question.

    * * *

    October 16, 2012
    President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney Topic: Town meeting format including foreign and domestic policy
    Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time
    Location: Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York (Tickets)
    Moderator: Candy Crowley (CNN Chief Political Correspondent)

    The second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which citizens will ask questions of the candidates on foreign and domestic issues. Candidates each will have two minutes to respond, and an additional minute for the moderator to facilitate a discussion. The town meeting participants will be undecided voters selected by the Gallup Organization.

    * * *

    October 22, 2012
    President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney Debate Topic: Foreign policy
    Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time
    Location: Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida (Tickets)
    Moderator: Bob Schieffer (Host of Face the Nation on CBS)

    The format for the debate will be identical to the first presidential debate and will focus on foreign policy.”

    The 2012 Presidential and the V.P. Debate Schedules Are Here:


  43. It will be interesting to read what the WHI will have to say….and what the WH’s reaction (meltdown?) was!

  44. Philo and Observer,

    You two are certainly on your game tonight; you’ve got me snorting :).

    I’m *dying* to see the moonbats at work tomorrow making excuses for their Messiah; I’ll be relentless; I have a few extra Romney/Ryan bumper stickers and will offer them…a little salt in the wound, so to speak. This should be good!

  45. HURT: Obama the debater: Making Jimmy Carter look awesome

    Oh dear, Juanie Williams is up next…..can we bear his disillusionment?

  46. Can’t you just visualize Bibi doing a happy dance!

  47. Romney’s eyes and smile still remind me of Billy Graham!


    Guy Benson
    Oct 03, 2012 10:35 PM EST

    UPDATE III – Buzzfeed instant headline: “How Romney won the first debate.”

    UPDATE IV – CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: “This was a pretty good night for Romney.”

    UPDATE V- MSNBC’s Ed Schultz: “Angry and stunned” by the debate, laments that Obama was “off his game.”

    UPDATE VI – Ladies and gentlemen, Michael Moore: “This is what happens when u pick John Kerry as your debate coach.”

    UPDATE VII – Hell has frozen over. Cutter: “Romney won the preparation and the style points.”


    [Romney] … was relentlessly on the attack against Obama. The president looked peeved, flat, and — this is the incumbent’s curse – irritated as he carried a conversation with somebody telling him he’s wrong for the first time in four years…

    Privately, some Democratic strategists said the challenger got the best of the president. “We got our clock cleaned,” said a Democratic strategist who spoke on condition of anonymity out of fear of retribution.

    The Entire Article & Two Must See Videos Are Here:

    MUST SEE Chris Matthews meltdown Video: Chris Matthews – More of this from Romney & it’s over for Obama:


  49. After that putrid performance, I guess we now no why “Obama” has all his school records sealed.

    BTW, I have a lot of friends who don’t pay much attention to politics, and tonight in my twitter time line they were all saying that basically “Obama” looked like an idiot.

  50. One myth got cleared up tonight…Obummer IS NOT the smartest man in the room!

  51. I couldn’t help thinking that the reason Barry looked like he didn’t want to be there was because it was his anniversary, as he had mentioned, and tonight he’s stuck with Michelle. As we know, she’s not his type. Plus, he missed TOTUS.

  52. The following is a post I made elsewhere. The author’s point is something that Glenn Beck’s criticism does not seem to understand regarding the importance of the eligibility and Obama gay issues. They all have a cumulative effect by adding one more piece of doubt about Obama’s truthiness.


    The following article is posted at The Moral Liberal and makes the case that a mountain of coincidences cannot be ignored. I’m not familiar with this site but the author does a nice job of chronicling many of the events (not nearly all), people, and eyebrow raising connections in Obama’s life. And yes, Larry Sinclair and the alleged affair with Obama is included.

    …I have encountered hundreds of coincidences that strike me as amazing. None of those coincidences, by themselves, may mean much. But taken as a whole it is almost impossible to believe they were all the result of chance…


    …As I noted in the introduction to my book, The Obama Timeline, a jury at a murder trial will often find the accumulated circumstantial evidence so overwhelming that a guilty verdict is obvious—even though there may be no witness to the crime…

    …In late 1999 Obama purportedly engaged in homosexual activities and cocaine-snorting in the back of a limousine with a man named Larry Sinclair, who claims he was contacted in late 2007 by Donald Young, who just happened to be the gay choir director of Obama’s Chicago church and who shared information with Sinclair about Obama, and Young just happened to be murdered on December 23, 2007, just weeks after Larry Bland, another gay member of the church, just happened to be murdered, and both murders just happened to have never been solved. In 2008 Sinclair held a press conference to discuss his claims, and just happened to be arrested immediately after the event, based on a warrant issued by Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, who just happens to be the son of Joe Biden…

  53. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Just heard an interesting comment by John Meacham on MSNBC for the reason Obama acted and looked so shell-shocked last night.
    “In four years he has not had anyone talk to him like that.” In other words he has been living in LaLa land surrounded by sycophants constantly telling how wonderful he is.
    Life is wonderful today.
    Thank you God.
    PS – As far as the complaint about Obama not looking Romney in the eyes but staring down, it is a well known fact that a liar can NEVER look you in the eye.

  54. citizenwells

    Zach, et al. Good morning.
    All of the puzzle pieces of Obama’s life are important to reveal the true picture.

  55. Don Wilkie:

    “We Have Been Duped: The Story”

    “The American people have been duped. We are victims of an organized campaign to give legitimacy to a fable. The fable concerns Barack Obama’s origins — the “improbable love” his parents shared. This fable proved so captivating that four years after he told it at the 2004 Democratic Convention, the American people elected the storyteller to the presidency of the United States.

    The fairy-tale is found in the pages of Obama’s book, Dreams from My Father. When Obama began his campaign, there were very few sources that could verify the story told within its pages. Most of the central characters had died, including the mother, father, and maternal grandfather. The maternal grandmother who died shortly before the 2008 election was kept sequestered and was allowed to talk to the press only if the reporter had a “minder” from the Obama camp. Early Obama biographer David Mendell admits as much.”


  56. citizenwells

    Listening to Glenn Beck.
    Their reaction to the debate echoes mine.
    Personally, Romney’s performance was the best I have ever witnessed.

  57. Wow! Thank you Lord…..as part of the 40 day prayer vigil, I believe God hears us and will open the eyes to those undecideds (if they can see what’s put before them). Mr. Romney is a smart, decent man with strong moral and religious convictions. He has proven his effectiveness in governing, working across the aisle and turning around bad situations. All one needs to do, if they choose to be open-minded, is compare and contrast. Obama was elected without ANY defining experience or leadership…and his questionable past with radicals, drugs and extreme marxist postions is proof that he is and was not the right person to hold the office of President.

    Great job, Mr. Romney, I believe you aroused those that were not thinking for themselves.

  58. Sorta sums up the debate:

  59. James Carivelle, the democrat agitator had the clearest description of last night’s debate I have heard yet. He said,

    “Obama showed up and wanted a discussion, Romney came with a chainsaw”.

    That pretty well said it all.

  60. citizenwells | October 4, 2012 at 9:23 am |
    Listening to Glenn Beck.
    Their reaction to the debate echoes mine.
    Personally, Romney’s performance was the best I have ever witnessed.
    I even saw Michael Reagan quoted as saying best debate performance since Lincoln!!

  61. Halloween Display Catching Family In Web Of Controversy

    COLLEYVILLLE (CBSDFW.COM) – The election season and Halloween have been joined together in a yard display that is drawing attention in Colleyville.

    The display features spiders big enough for a human to ride on. Spiderwebs cover much of the front yard. The scariest element though, may be the political and racial overtones some are conferring.

    This is the sixth year Melissa Cruson and her husband Glenn have built an elaborate display for Halloween. And this year they decided to include what they called a political and financial circus.

    Caught in a giant spider web strung between two trees are likenesses of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. Biden is wearing a clown suit and Obama has a red nose and large bow tie.


  62. Sore losers:

    DNC Spins Romney’s Debate Performance As “Rude And Unbearable”…


    (CNSNews.com) – Morning-after Democrats are not promoting anything President Obama said at last night’s debate.

    In a hastily compiled video montage, they selectively edit Romney’s comments, mixing them with the observations of liberal pundits.

    “If rude and unbearable is your cup of tea, you would have certainly gotten your fill from Mitt Romney last night,” the Democratic National Committee says.

  63. The usurper lost the debate last night because the TRUTH always wins.

  64. observer | October 4, 2012 at 9:43 am |

    Sore losers:

    DNC Spins Romney’s Debate Performance As “Rude And Unbearable”…


    (CNSNews.com) – Morning-after Democrats are not promoting anything President Obama said at last night’s debate.

    In a hastily compiled video montage, they selectively edit Romney’s comments, mixing them with the observations of liberal pundits.

    “If rude and unbearable is your cup of tea, you would have certainly gotten your fill from Mitt Romney last night,” the Democratic National Committee says.
    Time to break out the “attack dogs”, so predictable.

  65. Obama’s strategy of LEADING FROM BEHIND fails once again.

    I will predict you will see a different Obama in the next debate. But, it will only hurt him. If he tries to challenge Romney, he will appear angry and combative. If he tries to explain his (failed) policies, he will stammer, stutter and sound off base because they have been proven wrong and he will have to try and spin his reasoning. Being the narcissist in chief, you can rest assured he is one angry person right now…he has 2 weeks for that anger to boil.

    The next debate should be explosive. Mr. Romney is mature, experienced and has handled overwhelming odds magnificently.

    Round two…bring it on!

  66. MIT Professor: Scientific Poll; 73% of Republicans and 40% of all Americans are Birthers


  67. Congressional Investigation of DHS Fusion Centers Begs Question: What the Hell are They For? …He’s Editing Attorney General Reports


  68. I am sure zero is beating the hell out of something with his 9 iron this morning.

  69. WOW! I was shocked to see this advertise on my Local station ABC yesterday here in Portland Oregon!!

    These are Democratics doing the commercial! They are going to vote for Romney!

    Please watch and share!


  70. Lmuha.
    Great video.
    I know Portland very well.

  71. HonorFirst | October 4, 2012 at 9:54 am |
    The next debate should be explosive. Mr. Romney is mature, experienced and has handled overwhelming odds magnificently.
    Honor, Romney must not rest on his great success, because the format for the next presidential debate will be in a town hall meeting format, with which Obama is much more comfortable. As we know, he loves to woo the crowds. However, questions will be coming from the audience, so there should be some tough stuff……for both. We must not let down on our praying, and Romney must keep up this pace that he has set throughout the remaining thirty some days.

  72. The debate goes to show what happens when you pit ideology versus facts. All Obama and the Leftwing Media have to go on is their ideology. They try to make everything fit their Leftist ideology. The problem is the facts.

    Once, in a discussion with a Leftist, his response to me was, “Don’t bombard me with your factoids!” He hated facts. He had to call them “factoids.”

    Obama showed his irritation with “the factoids.” Chris Matthews had his meltdown because he wanted Obama to carry the day with the lies about Romney that the Media has been promoting. I would imagine Obama couldn’t because if he tried to, the Romney camp let his folks know it would be open season on Obama’s real secrets which are not lies. So the debate was restricted to the facts. With ideology versus facts, ideology can only get a royal whipping. And that is what happened.

  73. cabbyaz — I agree with prayer, too. Besides having the truth on our side, we must remain humble and prayerful. It is a continual process. “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” This includes prayer and watchfulness.

  74. Dean M.,
    You are probably right about a potential warning from the Romney camp not to stay stuck on Bain Capital, the 47%, etc., otherwise, Romney would counterattack in kind with a host of issues most of us know about. I would call this a smart move on Romney’s part. Obama lost big time anyway.

    I do pray that there won’t develop a complacency now, because the most dangerous days are still ahead. We should keep our eyes on possible U.S. military action in Libya during October.

    Another point which is crystal clear – All of this time the media has been giving Obama softballs and covering for him. Last night the chickens came home to roost. “Their boy” was unable to cope with reality.

    I see where today he is in CO back on the stump and continuing the “debate” – defending himself and bad-mouthing Romney – before a friendly audience that is giving him the applause he so desperately needs. I noticed that the size of the crowd seemed small (it is unseasonably cold in CO today…hmmm…….).

  75. What do you want to bet that Obama and Biden will have all the questions to study up on before the next debates? They may get the answers too from the media.


    Obama seems do do good when he is on stage by himself. Obama is lost when he has a real live body on stage to counter his lies.


    The polls today show that Romney has awaken a Sleeping Giant… and as I said over two months ago……..Romney will win this election by a landslide, if we do not permit him and the Chicago gang to steal it.

  77. http://theulstermanreport.com/2012/10/04/veni-vidi-vici-whi/

    Veni Vidi Vici… (WHI)

    Notes from the road…


    How was that? The governor delivered big time. Amazing prep work by the campaign. Almost like they had a few pages right out of Obama’s own prep book hand delivered to them about 48 hours earlier.

    Obama looked very uncomfortable, tired, and agitated.

    Watch donations to Romney rise in the coming days.

    And we got another big deal about to be delivered. Not just the one I already told you about.

    Pushing in the walls from all sides now.

    This wasn’t a good night. THIS WAS A GREAT NIGHT.

    The governor tonight was better than BC at his best.. No joke. He was damn good. Shocked the hell out of a whole lot of people tonight. Guess Christie was right on. Wow.

    Now Jarrett shows her teeth. Governor’s team has been warned. They are prepared.

    God I love this sh-t when it goes good like this.

    Will be in touch.


  78. Senator Graham: Obama Is Guilty of a ‘Mini-Coup’
    By Charles C. W. Cooke
    October 3, 2012 12:16 P.M.

    This week, sequestration made headlines again, as Lockheed Martin announced its intention to fall in line with the executive branch’s astonishing request that defense contractors wilfully violate the WARN Act. Per its declaration, the firm will defer sending layoff notices made necessary by the sequestration law; and in return they will receive immunity from the consequences, along with a promise that any fines will be picked up by Uncle Sam. This morning, I spoke to Senator Lindsey Graham about the development.


  79. They need to put Sununu out there at least once a day!:

    Romney Surrogate John Sununu Unloads On Obama: ‘Incompetent, Lazy, Disengaged, Detached’

    Andrea Mitchell was visibly shocked!

    Former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu, a Romney campaign co-chair and top surrogate, railed against President Barack Obama today after last night’s debate, telling MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that the president was “lazy and disengaged.”

    “What people saw last night was, I think, a president that revealed his incompetence, how lazy and detached he is, and how he has absolutely no idea how serious the economic problems of the country are,” Sununu said on MSNBC’s “Mitchell Reports.”

    Mitchell was taken aback.

    “Governor, I want to give you a chance to — to maybe take it back,” she said. “Did you really mean to call Barack Obama, the president of the United States, lazy?”

    “Yes. I think you saw him admit it the night before when he delivered the pizzas” to the Obama campaign’s Nevada field office, Sununu said. “He said, ‘They’re making me do this work.’ He didn’t want to prepare for this debate. He’s lazy and disengaged.”

    Obama spent three days preparing for the debate in Las Vegas. On Monday, he took a break and visited the Henderson, Nev., field office.

    “Basically they’re keeping me indoors all the time. It’s a drag,” he joked, according to a pool report. “They’re making me do my homework.”

    Video to come…

    smart man….always has facts to back him up.

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/sununu-obama-debate-lazy-disengaged-romney-2012-10#ixzz28MOAH8zg

  80. http://embed.scribblelive.com/Embed/v5.aspx?Id=63223&ThemeId=1370

    still waiting on the Cellini outcome….no word yet….live feed attached

  81. Click to access cellinisentence.pdf

    U.S. Attorney’s memorandum for Cellini…

  82. citizenwells

    Thanks Bessie.

  83. citizenwells

    Bessie, new post.

  84. Nothing yet…I don’t think they are allowed to text inside the court room…

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