Tag Archives: Robert Bauer Perkins Coie help Obama hide birth certificate records

Obama attorneys aid Obama in illegal activities, Robert Bauer Perkins Coie help Obama hide birth certificate records, Payments to attorneys

Obama attorneys aid Obama in illegal activities, Robert Bauer Perkins Coie help Obama hide birth certificate records, Payments to attorneys

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

Robert F. Bauer was a partner in Perkins Coie before becoming White House Counsel in 2009. Bauer also began defending Barack Obama in eligibility lawsuits in 2008. Perkins Coie has represented Obama for America for over 2 years. Bauer is married to Anita (“I look to Chairman Mao”) Dunn.

Here is the payment total to Perkins Coie from Obama for America for the second quarter 2010.

      PO Box 8102
      Chicago, Illinois   60680

FEC Committee ID #: C00431445
This report contains activity for a General Election
Report type: July Quarterly

Filed 07/15/2010

Perkins Coie    152,978.58 

Total Disbursements This Period    461,104.98 


It is a crime for an attorney to aid a client in illegal activities. By definition, aiding Obama in hiding his birth certificate and other records, is a criminal activity if not treasonous.