Tag Archives: Sociopath Clintons “systematically abuse women and others – sexually

Hillary hates Americans, John Podesta Confirms in Wikileak email, Sociopath Clintons “systematically abuse women and others – sexually, physically, and psychologically – in their scramble for power and wealth”, Don’t believe Hillary’s lies about concern for women children and families

Hillary hates Americans, John Podesta Confirms in Wikileak email, Sociopath Clintons “systematically abuse women and others – sexually, physically, and psychologically – in their scramble for power and wealth”, Don’t believe Hillary’s lies about concern for women children and families

“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans”…John Podesta, Wikileaks email # 4433

“Billy and Hillary Clinton continue to be lying, cheating, manipulative, scratching, clawing, ruthlessly aggressive, insatiably ambitious politicians who are giving public service a bad name – and nothing about them has changed in the past forty-plus years, except that they have deluded more and more people,”…Dolly Kyle Browning

“The devil’s in that woman.”…Miss Emma, Clinton’s cook, governor’s mansion


John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, stated the following in Wikileaks email # 4433:

“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans”


The email is dated Apr 19, 2015.

There is only one problem with that statement.

She began hating Americans decades ago.

I will prove it.

Perhaps the most disturbing thing that Hillary, the sociopath has said is this.

From WND May 15, 2016.

“Hillary horror! ‘Get those f-ing retards out of here’”

““When are they going to get those f—ing ree-tards out of here?!”

Those are said to be the infamous words of Hillary Clinton – also known as Arkansas’ “Mother of the Year” in 1984 – when Hillary reportedly grew frustrated that handicapped children weren’t collecting their Easter eggs quickly enough on the lawn of the Arkansas governor’s mansion.

“[T]he children were having a wonderful time. But they were having a v-e-r-y, v-e-r-y, v-e-r-y s-l-o-w time of finding and picking up the Easter eggs,” wrote Dolly Kyle – a childhood sweetheart of Bill Clinton who had a 33-year relationship with him – in her new book, “Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir.”

Hillary horror! ‘Get those f-ing retards out of here’

There are a great many Hillary quotes from widely disparate sources.

The book “The Clintons’ War on Women” has some startling ones as well as insights into the kind of people they really are.

2) “Fuck off! It’s enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day. I’m not going to talk to you, too. Just do your goddamn job and keep your mouth shut.”
—Hillary to her Arkansas state trooper bodyguards, after one of them told her “good morning” (American Evita, p. 90).

5) Former FBI agent stationed to the White House Gary Aldrich said, “[Hillary] had a clear dislike for the agents (US Secret Service), bordering on hatred…. Two Secret Service agents heard Hillary’s daughter Chelsea refer to them as ‘personal, trained pigs.’ … The agent on the detail tried to scold Chelsea for such disrespect. He told her … he believed that her father, the president, would be shocked if he heard what she had just said to her friends. Chelsea’s response? ‘I don’t think so. That’s what my parents call you’” (Unlimited Access, p. 90).

10) “Bimbos,” “sluts,” “trailer trash,” “rednecks,” and “shit-kickers.”
—Terms Hillary commonly used to describe Arkansans (American Evita, p. 139).

11) “Goddamn, L. D., did you see that family right out of Deliverance? Get me the hell out of here.”
—L. D. Brown, Bill’s favorite state trooper, while at a county fair in Arkansas in the early 1980s. They had just spoken to “salt of the earth” country Arkansans who wore bib overalls and cotton dresses. Brown also said that Hillary would reduce grown men state troopers such as Trooper Mark Allen to tears with her vicious attacks (Crossfire, p. 85).

12) “This is the kind of shit I have to put up with.”
—Hillary to a friend after a well-meaning supporter gave her earrings shaped like Arkansas Razorbacks (Blood Sport, p.105).

14) “You goddamn stupid fucking fool.”
—Hillary to Bill while in the presence of Chelsea, then a toddler (Newsmax, July 15, 2000).

26) “That’ll teach them to fuck with us.”
—Hillary said to aides right after her comments to Matt Lauer in January 1998 that a “vast right-wing conspiracy” was out to get the Clintons (The Case Against Hillary Clinton, p. 162).

27) “These women are all trash. Nobody’s going to believe them.”
—Hillary on Bill’s accusers (Bill & Hillary, p. 220).

36) “I want to get this shit over with and get these damn people out of here.”
—Hillary, over the Arkansas governor’s mansion intercom as preschoolers who had been invited to the governor’s mansion were posing on the lawn for a photograph (The First Partner, p. 192).

37) “We have to destroy her.”
—Hillary on Gennifer Flowers (The Final Days, p. 13).

More on the book here:

From the interview of Arkansas State Police bodyguard Larry Patterson.

“You know, for 32 years, Trooper Patterson served with the Arkansas State Police. A highly commended officer, Patterson was assigned to the elite Governor’s Security Detail and for 6 years – day in day out – Patterson guarded Governor Bill Clinton. For 6 years Trooper Patterson lived intimately with Bill and Hillary Clinton. For 6 years, he became knowledgeable of their intimate secrets.”

“GP: You tell of an incident outside Chelsea’s school – it was on parent/teacher’s night – when Bill Clinton went to meet her teachers.

LP: He had me block the street in front of Chelsea’s elementary school while he met a lady there, George, and had a liaison with this lady late at night.

GP: Right there?

LP: Blocked the street – the driveway going into the school, George.

GP: “More Than Sex” paints an intimate portrait of the Clintons at home. Now you say, Larry, that there were a lot of verbal arguments between Hillary and Bill and you claim that they would often make slurs against each other – anti-Semitic slurs, right?

LP: George, if these people were together for more than 3 or 4 hours, they were at each other, they were fighting; and many many times the anti-Semitic slurs were used. The “N” word was often used.

GP: And at one point, Bill Clinton made some shocking comments about a fellow state trooper – one who had died in the line of duty.

LP: George, he was in Southwest Arkansas at this trooper’s funeral and he made the statement in front of two other state policemen, “Well, I don’t know what the big deal is – he was just a ‘G-D-‘ pig…”

GP: Gasped- What!

GP: Larry, I want to stop you for a moment. We haven’t heard any of this in the press. Is this new? Is this all new material? Why haven’t we heard about it before?

LP: George, in 1993 there was a total of 4 Arkansas State policemen who worked on the Governor’s Security Detail who came forward to tell their stories about what they had seen, what they had experienced in Arkansas working for Bill Clinton. And the major news media, they gave it a day, 2 days, play and then that was it, George. Then the Clinton spin doctors got a hold of it and it was to discredit the State Police – to destroy us.”


“The Real Hillary”

“A just-retired Secret Service agent who spent five years on
Hillary Clinton’s protective detail has told a Newsmax source
that “only one word adequately describes that woman: witch.””

“The Clintons, we are certain to learn, treated the domestic staff
horribly. These are the valets, maids, porters, cooks, drivers,
baggage handlers and other permanent White House personnel who
are assigned to the “Residence”, the living quarters of the
First Family.

The Clintons undoubtedly treated these folks rudely, abruptly and
with contempt.

Hillary’s famous “I could have stayed home and baked cookies”
remark belies her contempt for household chores, and those who
perform them.”


From Juanita Broaddrick, Bill Clinton rape victim.

“Hi. I’m Juanita Broaddrick. And I’m here to support Donald Trump. I tweeted recently — and Mr. Trump retweeted it — that actions speak louder than words. Mr. Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don’t think there’s any comparison.”

“Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”…Jesus of Nazareth

Hillary, I believe, is still living in the 90’s when her narrative was presented only by the mainstream media.

Thanks to the internet and citizen journalism, that no longer holds.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”…Jesus of Nazareth

Little did Hillary know that when she was mistreating people years ago it would come back to haunt her.

“Video shows Hillary shunning homeless man”

“We shouldn’t be criminalizing the homeless with mass arrests for those whose only offense is that they have no home,” Mrs. Clinton said last week, in a direct slap at the homeless policy of her expected opponent, New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

But after a videotape shot during the Clintons’ 1992 presidential campaign is aired tonight by Fox News Channel, the issue of homelessness may turn out to be yet another exploding cigar for Mrs. Clinton.”

“Next, the tape is said to show Clinton aides hustling the man away from Hillary. He then asks one unnamed Clinton staffer for a dollar. Instead, the female aide gives the homeless man a voter registration card and urges him to vote, “So that people who are in economic harm can elect a president who’ll get this country back on track.”


We learned today from Wikileaks how Hillary and the Democrats use blacks for their own agenda.

“Why would you use my dad?” — Erica Garner blasts Clinton campaign over staffers’ discussions in WikiLeaks emails 


If you plan to vote for or support Hillary Clinton because you believe she is the lesser of evils, you had better start paying attention!

Donald Trump, with all of his flaws, is a saint compared to Hillary.



More here:

