Tag Archives: Hillary messes include Syria Libya Iraq Iran Middle East refugee crisis classified email leaks Commercegate Rapegate Filegate etc

Abedin: “She created this mess and she knows it”, Hillary messes include Syria Libya Iraq Iran Middle East refugee crisis classified email leaks Commercegate Rapegate Filegate etc, Clinton Foundation pay to play, Clintons own 9/11 and I can prove it

Abedin: “She created this mess and she knows it”, Hillary messes include Syria Libya Iraq Iran Middle East refugee crisis classified email leaks Commercegate Rapegate Filegate etc, Clinton Foundation pay to play, Clintons own 9/11 and I can prove it

“Billy and Hillary Clinton continue to be lying, cheating, manipulative, scratching, clawing, ruthlessly aggressive, insatiably ambitious politicians who are giving public service a bad name – and nothing about them has changed in the past forty-plus years, except that they have deluded more and more people,”…Dolly Kyle Browning

“Any way you slice it, the mess in Syria, Libya, the Middle East and the refugee crisis, happened on the watch of Obama and Hillary.”…Citizen Wells

“I think that it was Hillary all the way. I think that she’s the mean-spirited one. She’s the ideologue, she’s the flaming left-wing socialist liberal. She’s a bad person with a criminal mind.”…Jerry Falwell


Donald Trump, paying attention?

Huma Abedin, Hillary’s close assistant and possible lover said it all:

“She created this mess and she knows it”

The catch phrase moving forward.

And spot on!

There’s an encyclopedia of things Hillary has messed up.

And she knows it.

From Fox News October 20, 2016.

“Abedin implicated Clinton in foundation trade-off with Morocco amid $12 million commitment”

“Just hours after Hillary Clinton dodged a question at the final presidential debate about charges of “pay to play” at the Clinton Foundation, a new batch of WikiLeaks emails surfaced with stunning charges that the candidate herself was at the center of negotiating a $12 million commitment from King Mohammed VI of Morocco.

One of the more remarkable parts of the charge is that the allegation came from Clinton’s loyal aide, Huma Abedin, who described the connection in a January 2015 email exchange with two top advisers to the candidate, John Podesta and Robby Mook.

Abedin wrote that “this was HRC’s idea” for her to speak at a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative in Morocco in May 2015 as an explicit condition for the $12 million commitment from the king.

“She created this mess and she knows it,” Abedin wrote to Podesta and Mook.

The “mess” refers in part to the fact that the three Clinton advisers were discussing the possibility of the former secretary of state pulling out of speaking at the May 2015 event because it was happening one month after the official launch of her presidential campaign and could raise more questions about her role at the foundation.

In April 2015, Politico reported the Clinton Foundation was accepting a “major donation” of at least $1 million from a Moroccan government-owned company, OCP, a phosphate exporter. Politico added that an official at the foundation said it was “unlikely” Hillary would attend the May 2015 event, just weeks after the April launch of her campaign.

It turns out the amount was far bigger — $12 million — and there was a far bigger struggle over whether Clinton would attend because she had a much more extensive role in lining up the money than the public ever knew.”


“Oh the tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”

Hillary has messed up nearly everything she has touched.


Her heart, such that she has, is not in the right place.

She is a sociopath who is out for number 1.

Here is just one example of many.


From Citizen Wells September 2, 2016.

“Hillary Clinton’s role in  Commercegate and Chinagate was revealed by Judicial Watch and included in the House Judiciary Committee Evidentiary Record December 1998.”

“Transcript of October 5, 1998 presentations of David Schippers and Abbe
Lowell, and debate on H. Res. 581, beginning an impeachment inquiry.
Committee Print, Ser. No. 8, December 1998″

“Through discovery in its civil lawsuit against the Clinton Commerce
Department, Judicial Watch also has found evidence that President
Clinton condoned and participated in a scheme, conceived by First Lady
Hillary Rodham Clinton and approved by the President, to sell seats on
U.S. Department of Commerce trade missions in exchange for political
contributions. Bribery is specifically highlighted in the U.S.
Constitution as an offense warranting impeachment.”

“To cover-up this illegal fundraising and likely national security
breaches, President Clinton’s top two staffers, then-Chief of Staff
Leon Panetta and Deputy Chief of Staff John Podesta, ordered late
Commerce Secretary Ron Brown to obstruct justice and defy federal Court
orders. The evidence also indicates that Secretary Brown personally
consulted with President Clinton in furtherance of this cover-up.
In addition to the illegal sale of taxpayer-financed services, such
as seats on government trade missions, for political contributions, the
President and Mrs. Clinton have illegally solicited and received monies
directly from private citizens and others. The creation and use of
legal defense funds is not only prohibited under federal law, but they
have proved to be a means whereby lobbyists, influence peddlers and
foreign powers have tried to influence the Administration, contrary to
U.S. national security interests.”

“In January 1998, Judicial Watch uncovered a witness, Nolanda Butler
Hill, a close confidante and business partner of late Commerce
Secretary Brown, with whom Secretary Brown had shared key details about
the campaign-contributions-for-seats-on-trade-missions scheme, as well
as the Clinton Administration’s efforts to stonewall Judicial Watch’s

“Ms. Hill testified that then White House Chief of Staff Leon
Panetta and Deputy Chief of Staff John Podesta ordered Commerce
Secretary Brown to defy Court orders and obstruct the Judicial Watch
suit until after the 1996 federal elections. Ms. Hill’s sworn testimony
implicated the President’s top staff members in obstruction of justice.
Ms. Hill also tied the sale of trade mission seats directly to
President Clinton. In both a sworn affidavit and Court testimony, Ms.
Hill explained that:

The First Lady conceived of the idea to sell the
trade mission seats in exchange for political contributions;
The President knew of and approved this scheme;
The Vice President participated in this scheme;
Commerce Secretary Ron Brown helped implement the
illegal fundraising operation out of the Clinton Commerce

“According to what Secretary Brown told Ms. Hill, the trade mission
seats were being sold in part because of “panic” by the President and
First Lady induced by their Democratic Party’s loss of Congress to the
Republicans in 1994:”

“Ms. Hill testified that Secretary Brown told her that it was
Hillary Rodham Clinton who ordered that the trade mission seats be

Q: And did he not say to you that–and I am kind of
paraphrasing–Hillary believes that every thing is politics and
politics is driven by money; correct?
A: He did say those–close to those words, as I recall. . . .”

Hillary Commercegate Chinagate role, First lady conceived scheme to sell seats on Dept of Commerce trade missions in exchange for political contributions, Compromised nation’s security, Theft of government resources for re-election bid

The Clintons own 9/11 and I can prove it.


There is much much more if you care:

