Tag Archives: Erich Hackney “The candidates finish so close that these teens could have thrown the election

NC voter fraud questions surface again, Alamance county sheriff Terry Johnson Robeson county and Board of Elections investigation, Erich Hackney “The candidates finish so close that these teens could have thrown the election,”

NC voter fraud questions surface again, Alamance county sheriff Terry Johnson Robeson county and Board of Elections investigation, Erich Hackney “The candidates finish so close that these teens could have thrown the election,”


“On Monday June 23rd, 2008 the SBI initiated an investigation into allegations that employees of the Alamance County Health Department specifically Dr.
Kathleen Shapley-Quinn and Nurse Karen Saxer were knowingly and willingly falsifying patient medical records.”
“At the request of some patients, Alamance County Health Department provided work notes and prescriptions in alias names. Providing these services would assist illegal aliens with maintaining assumed or stolen identities, which may be a violation of state, or federal law. (Identity Theft, Fraud, etc.)”
“Veronica Arias, of Texas, reported on May 2nd, 2008 to the ACSO that someone in Swepsonville, NC had stolen her identity and was using same to be employed.
Maria Sanchez was arrested on May 6, 2008 by investigators of the Alamance County Sheriff’s Office for stealing and using the identity of Veronica Arias.
Sanchez used the name, SSN, DOB, of Veronica Arias who is a living resident of Texas.”…Alamance County NC Sheriff 2008 report

“North Carolina is the latest state featured by Project Veritas in its series on how America’s electoral system is extremely vulnerable to voter fraud. During last week’s North Carolina primary, James O’Keefe and his colleagues demonstrated how easy it is to obtain ballots even if the person has publicly professed not to be a U.S. citizen.”
O’Keefe also tells WND about his group’s visit to the University of North Carolina, where a dean and a program director laugh off confessions of voter fraud and even seem to encourage it. Yet a day later, both officials tell conservatives that voter fraud never happens.”…WND May 15, 2012

“We control life, Winston, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable.”…George Orwell, “1984″


I have heard repeatedly the foolish remarks from Democrat Party idealogues around me that there is very little voter fraud in NC, hence no need for the voter ID initiative.

Since most elections can be won by one vote, that is an idiotic and irresponsible statement.

Citizen Wells reported on voter fraud in NC starting with the 2008 election. Obama won by a slim margin in this state.

Alamance County and sheriff Terry Johnson voiced concerns in 2008 regarding actual and potential voter fraud.

From Citizen Wells November 2, 2010.

The following controversy in NC received brief national attention in 2008.

From the Alamance County Sheriff’s Ofice, Alamance County Health Department Investigation, 2008.
(Alamance County is just east of Greensboro)

“On Monday June 23rd, 2008 the SBI initiated an
investigation into allegations that employees of the
Alamance County Health Department specifically Dr.
Kathleen Shapley-Quinn and Nurse Karen Saxer were
knowingly and willingly falsifying patient medical
“At the request of some patients, Alamance
County Health Department provided work
notes and prescriptions in alias names.

Providing these services would assist illegal
aliens with maintaining assumed or stolen
identities, which may be a violation of state, or
federal law. (Identity Theft, Fraud, etc.)””


Click to access SheriffPresentation81808sm.pdf

Of course, if you examine voter fraud too closely the Obama Justice Dept. will threaten you and that is what they did with Sheriff Terry Johnson. Fortunately he was acquitted.

From Fox8 August 7, 2015.

“Court rules for Alamance County Sheriff Terry Johnson in DOJ discrimination case”

“The lawsuit claimed the department encouraged a number of discriminatory policing practices and that Latino drivers were racially profiled and often stopped without reason.

Judge Thomas D. Schroeder’s decision was received by Sheriff Johnson’s legal staff on Friday.

In part, the judgment reads that “it is therefore ordered and adjudged that the claims of the United States be denied, and that Judgment be entered for Defendant Sheriff Johnson, and that the complaint be dismissed with prejudice.””

Read more:

Court rules for Alamance County Sheriff Terry Johnson in DOJ discrimination case


When the Republicans took control of NC a few years ago they flushed out the corrupt State Board of Elections. This greatly improved the chances for detecting and prosecuting voter fraud.

From Citizen Wells June 29, 2015.

““When Chuck Stuber shows up, politicians are in trouble.

He’s the FBI agent who put handcuffs on former House Speaker Jim Black and former U.S. Rep. Frank Ballance Jr.

He’s the one who booked a top aide to former Gov. Mike Easley and then played a major role in Easley’s felony conviction.”
“Last week, Stuber started work as an investigator at the state Board of Elections, where he will focus on rooting out fraud and campaign violations. He is expected to take up several pending inquiries – into questions of voter fraud, about possible campaign violations by state lawmakers, and an ongoing probe of a major campaign donor in the last statewide election cycle.””


Fast forward to today.

From the Greensboro News Record May 18, 2016.

“Possible voting fraud

Erich Hackney, an investigator with the Robeson County District Attorney’s Office,learned about Johnson’s planned news conference from media reports.

On Tuesday morning, he called the sheriff to add another charge to the list.

“Basically, the North Carolina Board of Elections requested a voter fraud investigation,” Hackney said. “From that, Mr. Hines came on our radar in respect to 18 students he had taken to the local board of elections in an effort to vote.”

In Pembroke, a small town in Robeson County, candidates win or lose by sometimes tiny margins.

“The candidates finish so close that these teens could have thrown the election,” Hackney said.

He said candidates were standing at an early-voting stop and noticed two vans with nine passengers in each pull up.

As the candidates watched, the first nine students got out of the van and went inside to vote. When they came back out, one candidate accused the students of not being residents and not eligible to vote. The second van of students took off.

Hackney would not identify the candidate who stopped the students.

“As a result … the nine students were sent subpoenas to question the legitimacy of their residence,” he said.

The students came to the hearings, but once Hines saw what was happening, they took off, Hackney said.

“They left Robeson County and went to Alamance,” he said

Hackney said the nine students who voted were identified, but the other nine are unknown.

He wouldn’t say whether the investigation into the student voters includes the involvement of a candidate. He said the focus is to identify who wasn’t permitted to vote during that election.”

Read more:


From the Voter Integrity Project May 17, 2016.

“Oops! Voter Fraud Ring Confirmed in Robeson County

Go back to sleep . . . It’s only a story about high school athletics . . . Nothing to see . . . Move along.

The Greensboro News & Record ran with this blaring headline late last night:

Mebane couple jailed after allegedly presenting fraudulent documents for student athlete’s admission

WTVD’s headline also chased the petty crime while ignoring the big picture:


(We will update this site if WRAL decides they cannot suppress this story any better; but as of 3 PM, on May 17, 2016, there’s still nothing to see.) Both headlines redirected the public from the FAR bigger stories involved that affect all of us: human trafficking and possibly registering their slaves as voters.”

Read more:

Oops! Voter Fraud Ring Confirmed in Robeson County

I guess the News Record was compelled to add

“and voter fraud”

to their headline after the story was leaked.

This of course distracted them from their blitzkrieg about the pain, suffering and financial ruin imposed by HB2.

Read more:
