Hillary Clinton bagman speaks out, Lesbian affairs scandals, Lay to play, Bill stated she was bi sexual and “Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had”, Vince Foster affair, Rumors of affair between Hillary and Huma Abedin

Hillary Clinton bagman speaks out, Lesbian affairs scandals, Lay to play, Bill stated she was bi sexual and “Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had”, Vince Foster affair, Rumors of affair between Hillary and Huma Abedin

“The Clintons’ “systematically abuse women and others – sexually, physically, and psychologically – in their scramble for power and wealth,” says the book’s press release.”…”The Clintons’ War on Women”

“Billy and Hillary Clinton continue to be lying, cheating, manipulative, scratching, clawing, ruthlessly aggressive, insatiably ambitious politicians who are giving public service a bad name – and nothing about them has changed in the past forty-plus years, except that they have deluded more and more people,”…Dolly Kyle Browning

“The devil’s in that woman.”…Miss Emma, Clinton’s cook, governor’s mansion


Is this what Drudge was warning about?

There are no surprises with the Clintons.

Everything is well documented for those who care.

The Clintons’ open marriage, numerous infidelities and criminal behaviours in threats and coverups are too.

From the National Enquirer October 19, 2016.

“Confessions Of A Clinton Bagman — In His Own Words
‘Why I’m coming forward now!'”

“During the 1980s and 1990s, I was working in Hollywood as a reporter for several national magazines and newspapers. Because of my good relationship with stars, publicists and the press I became “a fixer”: someone who helps stars keep embarrassing stories out of the press. I helped keep secrets safe for some of Hollywood’s leading men.

In 1991, my reputation was such that I was asked to work on behalf of a fast-rising figure on the national stage: Arkansas Gov. William Jefferson Clinton. I attended a meeting in Hollywood where I was told by an intermediary: “There will be a lot of stories coming out in the tabloid press. We want them buried.”

I was informed that these stories would involve rumors of Bill Clinton‘s many sexual dalliances and an alleged ongoing affair of Hillary Clinton with a male member of her law firm, Vince Foster, as well as a female mover-and-shaker in Hollywood.

For a retainer of $4,000 a month — paid by a third party, not the campaign — I was told to keep these stories hush-hush in one of two ways: by trading access to the Clintons for “positive” interviews, or by paying the reporters.

The payments were always cash, usually delivered in a movie theater or restaurant on Sunset Boulevard, and came in two denominations: $100 for a heads-up that a bad story was coming; or considerably more to kill the piece.”

“The gravest example of a Clintonian lack of judgment occurred in March 1994. Presidential brother Roger Clinton was marrying his eight-months-pregnant bride Molly. There was a bachelor party. Prostitutes were involved. Recordings were made. Recordings involving Bill Clinton.”

“Of course, we were not done. This was one of many in an endless string of sexual stories arising from what effectively was the Clintons’ open, polyamorous marriage.”

“I am coming forward now because of the endless attention the alleged indiscretions of Donald Trump have received. Nothing I have heard comes close to the sexual and moral corruption of the Clintons — many of which have yet to be revealed.

Predictably, the liberal media is focusing on one man’s alleged misdeeds and ignoring another’s proven sins.

I mention some of these here and now because we have only two serious candidates for the presidency. In the few weeks remaining until the election, we should not be weighing whose corruption is worse (the Clintons win by a landslide, if all were to be told), but who has the best ideas and leadership skills to become president of the United States.”

Confessions Of A Clinton Bagman — In His Own Words

From the Daily Mail September 18, 2013.

When rumours surfaced recently of an affair between Hillary Clinton and her transition office chief, Huma Abedin, 37, Gennifer was not surprised.

The rumours concerning Huma, wife of disgraced former Mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner, 49, emerged as she stood by her husband in the wake of his recent ‘sexting’ scandal.

Revelations that he had sent intimate pictures of himself and steamy messages to 23-year-old Sydney Leathers – a girl he had only ever ‘met’ online – finally did for his New York Mayoral campaign last week.

The scandal broke almost exactly a year after the shamed congressman suffered a public mauling for the same behaviour. Then, as recently, his wife Huma Abedin stood by him.

This time round Huma’s loyalty raised eyebrows and questions over why a woman of such accomplishment would stick by a man so apparently incapable of change.

Gennifer said: ‘I don’t know Huma or the Weiners. I just know what Bill told me and that was that he was aware that Hillary was bisexualand he didn’t care. He should know.

‘He said Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had.’”


There are volumes of evidence that support the above allegations, much in legal documents and many witnesses.

Many of the scrubbed articles I have resurrected substantiate as well. Not the least of which is Danney Williams position that he is Bill Clinton’s son. Danney’s mother was a prostitute.

More to come.


More here:




6 responses to “Hillary Clinton bagman speaks out, Lesbian affairs scandals, Lay to play, Bill stated she was bi sexual and “Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had”, Vince Foster affair, Rumors of affair between Hillary and Huma Abedin

  1. “George, in 1993 there was a total of 4 Arkansas State policemen who worked on the Governor’s Security Detail who came forward to tell their stories about what they had seen, what they had experienced in Arkansas working for Bill Clinton. And the major news media, they gave it a day, 2 days, play and then that was it, George. Then the Clinton spin doctors got a hold of it and it was to discredit the State Police – to destroy us.”…Larry Patterson, Arkansas State Trooper

  2. “Things are looking good for Hillary Clinton. As if an FBI investigation weren’t enough, a former mistress of Bill Clinton’s has come forward with claims that could destroy Hillary’s reputation once and for all.

    Former Miss Arkansas Sally Miller claims that she had an affair with Bill back in 1983, while he was still government. During that time, he revealed some scandalous details about Hillary’s sex life that she did not want to go public.

    According to Q Political, Miller described Hillary as a cocaine addict who preferred sex with women to intercourse with men.”


  3. This article was scrubbed.
    Got it from Wayback.

    “She’s a damn frigid bitch who prefers women; she won’t even compromise and be bi-sexual. All I hear is how much she despises penises; she thinks they are fucking ugly, like snakes.”

    Bill mentioned, “The only time Hillary gets aroused or agree to ‘play sexy’ is after she snorts coke. But, even then, she’s rigid and frigid. Hillary goes ape-shit crazy–I mean screams, hits, and cusses–if I touch her breasts! Right after we started fooling around, she warned me to stay away from her tits, even telling me: ‘If you want to nurse–go home to your momma!’”


    Sorry for the language but it is theirs.

  4. Donald Trump & We the People vs Establishment Speech at Recent Rally Event … Must Watch! – CDR Kerchner (Ret)’s Blog

    Donald Trump & We the People vs Establishment Speech at Recent Rally Event … Must Watch!

    CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
    Lehigh Valley PA USA

  5. Thanks CDR.

  6. Donna Brazile caught telling the truth.

    The big lie she has repeated:

    Donna Brazile ✔ @donnabrazile
    Under President Obama, the economy has experienced a record 70 straight months of private-sector job growth. Over 14 million jobs!
    12:25 AM – 13 Jan 2016

    Zero Hedge has real data.


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