Patty Murray, WA senator, Extreme liberal, Murray debates Dino Rossi, October 14, 2010

Patty Murray, WA senator, Extreme liberal, Murray debates Dino Rossi, October 14, 2010

Patty Murray, the ultra liberal senator from WA state, debates Dino Rossi tonight. I recently heard Glenn Beck on his radio show describe how Murray is on the side of illegal aliens and takes extreme positions in support of their “rights” while not working to secure jobs for her home state.

The debate can be viewed here:

From the Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal.

““It was announced that Washington State lost another 9,300 jobs. Instead of fighting for Washington families, Patty Murray is focusing on providing amnesty for illegal aliens and the partisan DISCLOSE act, which Murray hopes will distract voters from focusing on her record of taxing, spending and growing government.”
“Wasting valuable time in the Senate that could be used to stimulate private sector job growth and real financial reform that helps American families, Senator Murray is asking the Senate to take up two partisan bills which will not create or save jobs here in Washington State. This is just another attempted diversion from the real issues by Senator Murray. It is clear she would prefer to focus on Washington, D.C. politics than put Washingtonians back to work.””

Read more:

From the Seattle Times.

“Murray was one of only 19 members of the Senate to oppose a 2006 authorization to build a 700-mile fence along one-third of the southern U.S. border. Washington Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell opposed it as well.
Murray also voted against declaring English the nation’s official tongue, which would have barred the government from issuing communications in other languages. She also opposed a Senate proposal to bar immigrants from collecting Social Security benefits they earned while working without legal status.
Rossi, by contrast, wants to deter illegal immigrants with both physical and legal barriers. He repeatedly has called for erecting the remaining planned fence along the Mexico border to reduce illegal crossings.
Rossi also opposes allowing any of the estimated 11 million people already in the United States illegally to apply for legal residency. However, he hasn’t called for deporting them. He has offered no options, saying he hasn’t “heard a good solution for the people that are already here that makes sense.””

“First introduced nine years ago in a different form, the DREAM Act covers certain illegal immigrants who are younger than 35. Immigrants who were 16 or younger when they entered the United States at least five years ago and who have completed high school or attained GED certificates could attain a six-year temporary residency.
The qualified immigrants then could become permanent U.S. residents by completing at least two years of college or serving two years in the military.
Murray said she supports it. Rossi, along with virtually all Republicans, opposes it as “nothing more than a backdoor amnesty bill.””

Read more:

38 responses to “Patty Murray, WA senator, Extreme liberal, Murray debates Dino Rossi, October 14, 2010

  1. Or, you can watch the Sharron Angle-Harry Reid debate at 9:00 p.m. here:

  2. Angle, Reid debate tonight cspan

  3. My bad. 9:00 pm Eastern time.

  4. Our local news ran a story re: this lawyer/foreclosure-gate(?) evidently he was the first one to find the “mess” during litigation prompting the freeze on foreclosures. He and his clients are in the rabbit hole, at this point who knows what else may be discovered.
    Homeowners’ Robin Hood fights foreclosure giants
    Ice, 50, has emerged as a Robin Hood of sorts in the tangled world of foreclosures, representing homeowners and fighting powerful law firms backed by big banks.
    Ice credits his engineering background for his attention to detail and years of litigating for his tenacity. He was trained, he said, to doubt everything the other side says and “look under every rock.”
    What he and his wife, Ariane, found buried under boulders of foreclosure paperwork were backdated documents, affidavits sworn to by bank employees processing thousands of foreclosures a month, and questionable assignments of mortgages coming out of the Mortgage Electronic Registration System, or MERS.
    After the discoveries, Ice did what any good litigator would do: He asked to depose employees involved in creating the documents.
    Then he made the unusual move of posting the depositions on his website, a strategy he credits for much of the snowball of foreclosure suspensions.
    Ice believes his firm was the first to depose GMAC Mortgage employee Jeffrey Stephan.
    Stephan was one of the first identified “robo-signers,” attesting to the veracity of 10,000 foreclosure affidavits a month and swearing to the impossible feat of personally reviewing support documentation on each.
    GMAC, renamed Ally Financial Inc., announced last month it was suspending some foreclosures. JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Litton Loan Servicing and PNC Financial Services Group followed.
    “We’ve studied this for two years and I fear we are just scratching the surface,” Ice said. “It is a rabbit hole.”
    He has undoubtedly stepped on toes.
    He filed more than 100 motions to disqualify Palm Beach County foreclosure Judge Meenu Sasser, alleging she was biased against his attorneys and gave preferential treatment to lenders
    But Ice said forging signatures, as is alleged to have occurred at one South Florida foreclosure law firm, and swearing to things that aren’t true are fraud upon the court that should be exposed.
    “Just because the bank says they own your home doesn’t mean they do,” Ice said. “For too long, people were just hoping no one would look behind the curtain.”

  5. Thanks alot for the info. keep fighting the good fight. Now there are complaints, Soetoro dumped foreign money into the Chamber….

  6. Alex Jones just announced that the NH Court ordered that Mr. Irish’s child be returned to him.

  7. Snatched-baby report labeled ‘unsubstantiated,’ ‘unsupported’
    Association of patriotic Americans calls for removal of ‘vile’ references

  8. SPIKED! What happens when Muslim Mafia meets Media Mafia
    1-year anniversary of book’s historic release

  9. GORDO | October 14, 2010 at 8:34 pm | You can watch Alex Jones LIVE here:

    Thanks Gordo.

    Barney Frank in 2005: “Those of us on our committee in particular will continue to push for home ownership.”
    Barney Frank in 2010: “I was very much in disagreement with this push into home ownership, and I think the Federal government should not be artificially doing that.”

  11. Hillbuzz guys reporting from Chicago near the scene of the crime.
    GBAmerica @ 7:52 pm |
    BREAKING: Michelle Antoinette apprehended in electioneering crime spree
    Drudge Report has revealed that Michelle Antoinette has been apprehended in an electioneering crime spree here in Chicago.
    We believe this is her latest cry for help, coming on the heels of a recent French book (that she can’t read, because she and her husband only speak English, despite scolding Americans for not being bilingual) that claims the current First Spouse considers her historic and privileged role to be “a living Hell”.
    Michelle Antoinette entered an early voting polling station in Chicago wtih the clear and deliberate intent to violate Illinois state law — Sec. 17-29 (a), which states:
    “No judge of election, pollwatcher, or other person shall, at any primary or election, do any electioneering or soliciting of votes or engage in any political discussion within any polling place, within 100 feet of any polling place.”
    Having once been a lawyer (until her law license was taken away from her), Michelle Antoinette knew exactly what she was doing today — and did it knowing she’d be caught.
    This behavior is similar to Winona Ryder stuffing scarves down her blouse and into her handbag at Saks in Beverly Hills.
    A cry for help if ever there was one
    Many today are wondering why the Secret Service didn’t stop the First Spouse from so flagrantly breaking the law, but it’s not the SS’s mission to protect the public from Michelle Antoinette, but to protect Michelle Antoinette from the public.
    In addition to election officials here in Chicago being notified of Michelle’s crime spree, the fashion police were also called in, because she wore another of her hideous multi-colored prints while violated electioneering laws.
    It won’t ever be “her fault”, of course, just as her behavior today is being called “no big deal” by Robert Gibbs at the White House. “Are you kidding me? Compared to all the voter fraud we as a campaign committed back in 2008, this is small potatoes. We had Black Panthers intimidating voters, for crying out loud, and then we had Eric Holder drop the case even after the Justice Department won by default. So what does Michelle Obama’s crime spree really matter?”

    Thomas Jefferson told us that “whensoever” the federal government assumes unconstitutional powers, a “nullification of the act is THE rightful remedy.”
    The Kentucky Resolution uses the Tenth Amendment to justify a strict construction of the general government’s powers; any powers not expressly delegated to the U. S. government remain the province of the states or the people, and any exercise of those powers by the general government is void and can be struck down by the states on that basis. Furthermore, Jefferson warns against construing the “necessary and proper” clause so broadly as to justify the assumption of undelegated powers by the general government; the intent of the clause was to only enable the execution of limited powers, not to indefinitely extend the general government’s scope. Otherwise, this part of the Constitution would be used “to destroy the whole residue of that instrument.”

  13. Angle is doing a great job of continuing to tie dingy harry to bo.

  14. I almost feel sorry for dingy harry. Every question sets dh for a slap in the face.

  15. Football players with pink helmets? Is that what dingy said?

  16. Can’t believe dingy admires Justice Scalia.

    LOL: Colorado Billboard Features ‘Terrorist, Gangster, Bandit, Gay’ Obama
    A Colorado billboard depicting what the artist considers the “four faces” of President Barack Obama is causing quite a stir among Grand Junction residents. The “four Obamas” portray the commander-in-chief as a terrorist, a gangster, a Mexican bandit and a gay man all seated around a poker table, gambling with items representing American values, including a copy of the Declaration of Independence, a liberty bell, a toy soldier and a statue of Justice holding a balance.
    In addition, the Obama caricatures shows numerous rats, some of which are labeled as IRS, trial lawyers, the EPA and the Fed. At the top is the rallying slogan, “Vote DemocRAT. Join the game,” positioned between two vultures.
    The political cartoon is being paid for by a local man who wants to remain anonymous. In an interview with local KJCT News 8, the billboard’s artist, Loma resident Paul Snover, said the unnamed sponsor wanted to “represent the influences he saw the president as having in his administration.”
    Snover said he‘s unable to name the billboard’s sponsor, but suggested the parody‘s message should’ve gone even further. “If it had been me, I would have included the Republicans as part of the problem,” he said. READ MORE…

  18. As a recent former Dem now Tea Party, I have to congratulate the Republican Party/Tea Party who are consistently coming us with the most sensible candidates, everyone of the ladies is attractive, pleasant, sharp (some more than others) considerate and wear their love of country on their sleeves without getting too saccharine about it. The Dem ladies Pelosi, Boxer, Allred and several others look down right ornery and mean by comparison and I could not give many credit for brains. I think speaking loudly, screaming and insulting is their cover for lack of knowledge and the repetition of the company line so boring after all of these years. The Repubicans guys are doing well too, Chris Christie is great, Paul Ryan wonkish but sensible so many more new and possible greats.
    “She” is U.S. House candidate Kristi Noem (pronounced “gnome”) from South Dakota, “a rancher, a mother of three, and a staunch conservative who is running on a platform of slashing federal spending and repealing the new federal health care law,” as ABC puts it in a recent profile. But while many will draw comparisons to her and Sarah Palin, she’s out to prove she is her own person, and hopes a win in November will solidify her own legacy.

  19. If you watch the alphabet networks you would have no idea the Tea Party even exists. This crowd was huge along with so many other rallies.



    note in NONE, NONE of his arguments does OBAMA
    say …..hey guys, i am a natural born citizen. NO WHERE.

    Instead he says
    1 – court lacks jurisdiction , translation>>I obama am above the law, nobody can tell me , the anointed one what to do, not even the supreme court. Arrogance abounds here.
    2 – it’s political >>>>hey obama, 99% of court cases are political…..hello, bush vs. gore was political, woe vs wade was political Of course, it’s political, you scre wed your opponent.
    3 – court lacks jurisdiction per quo warranto, well, then which court has quo warranto??only one, the one held by AG , your buddy, Eric Holder. Sorry, obama, the supreme court has quo warranto over you, and this is the proper venue to get to the supreme court.
    4 – no legal claims stated….sorry obama that went out the door when you signed “funds for abortions to go to africa”, “troops to afganistan” , “defeated your opponent who spent campaign money”, “signed obamacare”, “signed trillions in stimulus bills”, “illegally gathered campaign funds claiming you were qualified , when you weren’t, when those funds could have gone to other qualified candidates”

    will the court hear the merits of the case???
    that is

    >>>>>are you a natural born citizen, or will it listen to your continued, and contrived, spin and twist ?

    Even a liberal and longtime Democratic party operative like Lawrence O’Donnell applauds the ad. Last night on his new MSNBC show, the former “West Wing” producer said, “That is one of the best political ads I’ve ever seen in my lifetime.”
    And, but of course, you all know who Coons’s opponent is, right? Christine O’Donnell, who has but the slimmest hopes of winning the election in liberal Delaware, despite such great ads and donations pouring into her campaign.

  22. I would not want to be a part of the Media. There is no doubt the son of a foreignor can not meet the eligibility requirement. FCC should be prosecuted. Due to costs of Prisons, have them clean up the trash on the roads. Hard labor for living off the citizens.

  23. Rossi kicked her Butt Nose in tonights debate

  24. Did any one else receive this email?

    An open letter to Gloria Estefan
    By Victoria Jackson: October 14, 2010
    Editor’s note: The following open letter was first submitted to the Miami Herald, but the paper opted not to publish it.
    Miami is my hometown. When I was born at Hialeah Hospital in 1959, you were 2 years old and moving here from Cuba, to escape Communism.
    America and its freedom, free enterprise and capitalism gave you the opportunity to become a superstar, to be financially and vocationally successful.
    America is now under siege by a Marxist, progressive, leftist, radical, socialist, communist dictator drunk with power. His name is Obama.
    You invited him to your home on April 15, 2010, for a Democratic fundraiser.

    1. His parents were communists. His grandparents were communists. His childhood mentor Frank Davis was a communist.
    2. He had “Marxist professors.” He taught a class on Saul Alinsky whose book “Rules for Radicals” is dedicated to Lucifer.
    3. His college records are sealed.
    4. He claims to be a Christian yet ridicules Scripture, denies Jesus is the only way to salvation, supports partial-birth abortion and attended a church for 20 years pastored by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who did not teach Christianity but “Black Liberation Theology,” which is Marxism disguised as religion.
    5. He is friends with radicals and communists like William Ayers and has appointed many of them to positions of power – Sunstein, Jarrett, Van Jones, etc.
    6. He told Joe the Plumber on the campaign trail that his philosophy was to “spread the wealth.” This is a direct quote from “The Communist Manifesto” written by Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels.
    7. When he entered office he immediately took over the banks, the auto industry, health care (by bribery) and is intent on ending freedom of speech on the Internet, radio and TV by fees and fines. He is intent on using the myth of human-caused global warming to usurp control over our energy by Cap ‘n Tax, which would limit the number of minutes we take a shower and the kind of light bulbs we use.
    8. His arrogant, excessive spending, with his stimulus laws and over-taxation, is destroying our economy, the middle class and our children’s future quality of life.

    You had the audacity to invite this communist over to your home to raise money for the Democratic Party, which is controlling Congress and giving him unlimited power to achieve his goal of making our once-free country a welfare state, just like the Cuba you left.

    You are either uninformed, ignorant or crazy.
    Estudio Espanol dos anos en mi escuela secundario, y I think you are loco en la cabeza.
    I ask my Cuban friends and neighbors what happened to you. Don’t you remember where you came from? Your father in a Cuban communist jail? They shake their heads sadly.
    You spit on the free country that gave you the American Dream.
    I urge you to educate yourself on what is happening in America today. Nov. 2 is the most serious vote of our nation’s history. We will vote in either liberty or tyranny.

    How can you vote in tyranny when your family and friends risked their lives on rafts to escape it?
    I don’t understand you.

    Victoria Jackson (“Saturday Night Live” cast member 1986-1992 because of capitalism/freedom)

  25. Jonah @ 11:19 pm | What a wonderful letter and brutally honest. I was a little kid when the first wave of Cubans escaped to America. I remember sitting in Church and Father saying we must support these people. It was the responsibility of the parish to provide housing, food, clothes a job for the father (who may have been a doctor, lawyer, educator, banker) the professional class left first-(death threats). The Cubans who had been rich in their own country were now refugees in a foreign land, no job was too menial for them to take, they learned the language and in one generation were almost where they were when they escaped Castro’s Cuba. They taught us all many things and always expressed their gratitude to our country and the people in it. One thing in Chicago, no matter how they tried they never got used to snow and cold-Miami was the Holy Grail due to the climate.

  26. “The Facts About Obama”

  27. “A Certification of Live Birth, COLB, is the “document” that was posted on the Factcheck website as PROOF that barack Hussien obama was indeed born on US soil (jus soli). Most people accept that the COLB is the abbreviated version of the “standard” or long form birth certificate.

    It has been stated on record, by Janice Okubo, at the Communications Office, Hawaii State Department of Health, that the long form birth certificate, otherwise called the “Certificate of Live Birth” can’t be had.

    It’s not that they don’t have them on file, it’s that they don’t issue them automatically when a person requests a copy of their BC.

    A long form Hawaiian birth certificate can absolutely be had if you specifically request it.”

    Some Tropical Truth

    “Woman Ordering Long Form BC from HI Dept of Health”

    “This film was taken in the Dept. of Health, Honolulu HI in mid-July 2010.”

  28. The New World Order is pushing so hard for open borders and
    amnesty. We have powerful groups who are holding back these
    forces at and I urge you to join
    online, and send Congress pre-written faxes with the touch of
    a button. Please pass along the sites on facebook, twitter etc.

    Patty Murrey is clueless as to how illegal immigration destroyed
    my city, LA, and turned it into a third world country. I had to
    flee to Oregon, and was stunned to find most people speaking
    English to me, and acting somewhat nice even. How twisted
    my world had become due to unrestricted immigration…

  29. It feels like the calm before the storm… The Democrats have really abused their power (again). Obama is going to get rooted out for the fraud that he is. They are already turning on him in advance, knowing that he is not what they sold him to be….

  30. Gordo

    democratic hawaiian election official says that it is well known fact in HAWAII DOH that OBAMA does not have a long form BC

    also, HAwaii’s own index of birth records in 1961 does not have obama listed

    also fact, anyone in the world can register a live birth in hawaii

    fact obama not a natural born citizen, his pappy is a brittish subject

    you think george washington would defeat the brittish only to allow son of brittish empire to be made president?? think again

  31. Re: Michelle / October 14, 2010 at 9:07 pm |

    Thomas Jefferson told us that “whensoever” the federal government assumes unconstitutional powers, a “nullification of the act is THE rightful remedy.”

    The Kentucky Resolution uses the Tenth Amendment to justify a strict construction of the general government’s powers; any powers not expressly delegated to the U. S. government remain the province of the states or the people, and any exercise of those powers by the general government is void and can be struck down by the states on that basis. Furthermore, Jefferson warns against construing the “necessary and proper” clause so broadly as to justify the assumption of undelegated powers by the general government; the intent of the clause was to only enable the execution of limited powers, not to indefinitely extend the general government’s scope. Otherwise, this part of the Constitution would be used “to destroy the whole residue of that instrument.”

    # # # #
    Thank you for posting this excellent information.

  32. Re: Jonah | October 14, 2010 at 11:19 pm |

    An open letter to Gloria Estefan
    By Victoria Jackson: October 14, 2010

    Editor’s note: The following open letter was first submitted to the Miami Herald, but the paper opted not to publish it.

    “Miami is my hometown. When I was born at Hialeah Hospital in 1959, you were 2 years old and moving here from Cuba, to escape Communism.
    America and its freedom, free enterprise and capitalism gave you the opportunity to become a superstar, to be financially and vocationally successful.

    America is now under siege by a Marxist, progressive, leftist, radical, socialist, communist dictator drunk with power. His name is Obama.
    You invited him to your home on April 15, 2010, for a Democratic fundraiser.

    1. His parents were communists. His grandparents were communists. His childhood mentor Frank Davis was a communist.
    2. He had “Marxist professors.” He taught a class on Saul Alinsky whose book “Rules for Radicals” is dedicated to Lucifer.
    3. His college records are sealed.
    4. He claims to be a Christian yet ridicules Scripture, denies Jesus is the only way to salvation, supports partial-birth abortion and attended a church for 20 years pastored by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who did not teach Christianity but “Black Liberation Theology,” which is Marxism disguised as religion.
    5. He is friends with radicals and communists like William Ayers and has appointed many of them to positions of power – Sunstein, Jarrett, Van Jones, etc.
    6. He told Joe the Plumber on the campaign trail that his philosophy was to “spread the wealth.” This is a direct quote from “The Communist Manifesto” written by Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels.
    7. When he entered office he immediately took over the banks, the auto industry, health care (by bribery) and is intent on ending freedom of speech on the Internet, radio and TV by fees and fines. He is intent on using the myth of human-caused global warming to usurp control over our energy by Cap ‘n Tax, which would limit the number of minutes we take a shower and the kind of light bulbs we use.
    8. His arrogant, excessive spending, with his stimulus laws and over-taxation, is destroying our economy, the middle class and our children’s future quality of life.

    You had the audacity to invite this communist over to your home to raise money for the Democratic Party, which is controlling Congress and giving him unlimited power to achieve his goal of making our once-free country a welfare state, just like the Cuba you left.

    You are either uninformed, ignorant or crazy. Estudio Espanol dos anos en mi escuela secundario, y I think you are loco en la cabeza.

    I ask my Cuban friends and neighbors what happened to you. Don’t you remember where you came from? Your father in a Cuban communist jail? They shake their heads sadly.

    You spit on the free country that gave you the American Dream.
    I urge you to educate yourself on what is happening in America today. Nov. 2 is the most serious vote of our nation’s history. We will vote in either liberty or tyranny.

    How can you vote in tyranny when your family and friends risked their lives on rafts to escape it? I don’t understand you.


    Victoria Jackson (“Saturday Night Live” cast member 1986-1992 because of capitalism/freedom)

    # # # #

    Thank you for posting this. Many people are now waking up.

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