Ted Cruz forward US Constitution For Dummies, Book reveals Cruz not eligible as natural born citizen, US Supreme Court 1898 Wong Kim Ark case, Chief Justice Melville Fuller … were eligible to the presidency while children of our citizens born abroad were not

Ted Cruz forward US Constitution For Dummies, Book reveals Cruz not eligible as natural born citizen, US Supreme Court 1898 Wong Kim Ark case, Chief Justice Melville Fuller … were eligible to the presidency while children of our citizens born abroad were not

“It is unreasonable to conclude that ‘natural born citizen’ applied to everybody born within the geographical tract known as the United States, irrespective of circumstances; and that the children of foreigners, happening to be born to them while passing through the country . . . were eligible to the presidency, while children of our citizens, born abroad, were not.”…Chief Justice Melville Fuller, Wong Kim Ark

“To his kind of judge, Cruz ironically wouldn’t be eligible, because the legal principles that prevailed in the 1780s and ’90s required that someone actually be born on US soil to be a “natural born” citizen. Even having two US parents wouldn’t suffice. And having just an American mother, as Cruz did, would have been insufficient at a time that made patrilineal descent decisive.”…Laurence H. Tribe, Harvard Law Professor

“We are being lied to on a scale unimaginable by George Orwell.”…Citizen Wells



Allegedly from a 2012 interview with Ted Cruz:

“In a campaign interview during his freshman senate race, a GOP Texas State Committee member sat down with the young candidate to ask a few poignant vetting questions, and here are the questions and answers from that interview… (Redacted information is to protect the witness at this moment, but the witness is willing to offer sworn testimony)

Interviewer: “Hello Mr. Cruz, it’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is (redacted). I am a (redacted) County GOP Precinct Chair and you have my support and vote. I have one question for you if I may?”

Cruz: “Sure, go ahead.”

Interviewer: “What is your understanding of how one becomes a natural born Citizen?”

Cruz: “Two citizen parents and born on the soil.” ”


Citizen Wells commenter and Illinois ballot challenger Bill Graham provided the following information last night.


“Can’t make this stuff up. Did you know Cruz wrote the forward to this book by a non-lawyer Brit? The book does mention NBC qualification, born here of citizen parents on page 115. Of course Cruz could have written the forward without reading the book. On-line reviews are mediocre.”

From U.S. Constitution for Dummies by Michael Arnheim.

“The U.S. Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment”

“Defining Citizenship under the Fourteenth Amendment”

“The birthright basis of U.S. citizenship was confirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1898. This ruling was made in the case of Wong Kim Ark, who was born in the United States to Chinese noncitizen parents. The court decided that he was a U.S. citizen even though his parents were not.

Chief Justice Melville Fuller in his dissenting opinion in Wong’s case put his finger on a problem with the birthright rule: “It is unreasonable to conclude that ‘natural born citizen’ applied to everybody born within the geographical tract known as the United States, irrespective of circumstances; and that the children of foreigners, happening to be born to them while passing through the country . . . were eligible to the presidency, while children of our citizens, born abroad, were not.””


From the book:

“Foreword by Ted Cruz Partner, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Former Solicitor General of Texas”

From the Forward:

““We the people” are the opening words of the U.S. Constitution, and it is fi tting that this book is written for “We the people.” Both the Constitution itself, and this book explaining it, were meant for everybody, for all of the American people. This book can be read on several different levels. If you just want to understand the basics of the Constitution, this book offers you an easy, enjoyable, and at times humorous way to do so.”

“For good or for ill, the meaning of the Constitution has often been very much in the hands of the nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.”

“The Constitution is designed to limit government and to protect all the freedoms that you and I cherish as Americans. And this book is a clear, straightforward roadmap to understanding how it works — and a lot more.”

Mr. Graham also provided an update to his Illinois ballot challenge to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.

January 26, 2016 5:30 PM.

“Filed today rebuttals to Memoranda of Law from Rubio and Cruz; all documents now with Hearing Officer. Today’s filing on Founders intent referred to Maskill’s CRS update 1-11-16 and on NBC definition to Mario Apuzzo 11-29-15 opinion on Minor and Wong Kim Ark.

Candidates claim anyone born a citizen is a natural born citizen, even if they owe their citizenship to the 14th Amendment or Naturalization law. Even if their one or both parents have allegiance to another country. Founders wasted undivided allegiance.”



56 responses to “Ted Cruz forward US Constitution For Dummies, Book reveals Cruz not eligible as natural born citizen, US Supreme Court 1898 Wong Kim Ark case, Chief Justice Melville Fuller … were eligible to the presidency while children of our citizens born abroad were not

  1. “Moore said he’s seen no convincing evidence that Obama is a “natural born citizen” and a lot of evidence that suggests he is not.”…Judge Roy Moore interview by WND

  2. CW………
    ……….and it is reasonable to believe that no one else on Earth has seen any convincing evidence either………….but I hasten to add that if Soetoro has purchased a 4.9 million villa in Dubai, it is because he has GOOD REASON for so doing………..Dubai is UNEXTRADITABLE, but has little protection from DRONE STRIKES. har har.

  3. Did TRUMP already win the Debate?

    “Who’s going to watch a debate between the two Cuban guys?” MSNBC’s Chris Matthews asked during Tuesday night’s episode of “Hardball.” “Who’s gonna watch a debate between Rubio, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz? Who cares?”

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/01/megyn-kelly-trump-obsessed-218273#ixzz3ySZmlLYF

  4. AND………
    ………it is now painfully clear that there will NEVER be a SCOTUS hearing to re affirm the exact parameters of NBC. As long as the SCOTUS remains a STACKED DECK, and politicized, it will amount to little more than 9 bumps on a very old log.

  5. oldsailor83, a SCOTUS ruling considering the ‘living constitution’ could open up the Presidency to aliens of all kinds. But We the People may be able to use our votes in primaries and elections to signal our preferences for qualified candidates. Bill

  6. BILL G…..

    You said…..” But We the People may be able to use our votes in primaries and elections to signal our preferences for qualified candidates. ”

    Sorry Bill,… but that will never happen either with all the voting machines in America being made and provided by GEORGE SOROS…….

  7. BillG………….
    ………first I would like to offer my sympathy with regard to your efforts in the Illinois Courts. The Illinois Court system has a reputation which goes back a very long time, for a veracity of word twisting, and other miscellaneous courtroom game playing. There has been a need for an equal length of time for a sweeping clean up of the state’s judicial system…….but the likelihood of that ever happening is tatamount to the falling of the sky. The Illinois justice system is still dominated by people like Lisa Madigan AG (D).
    I personally believe that it is fairly common knowledge that Cruz, and Rubio are NOT ELIGIBLE……..yet the bobbleheads continue to IGNORE the facts, and do everything within their power to block any attempt by anyone to get out the truth. The only way this sort of crap is ever brought to an end is when the PUBLIC GETS OFF IT’S REAR END, and CLEANS HOUSE! COMPLACENCY CONTRIBUTES to exactly what we now have.

  8. BillG…….
    ………it appears that we already have an alien POTUS. I think you are right, when you suggest that we begin our corrections at our state levels……….after all it is allegedly a function of the SOS to certify those who are admitted to the ballot in the first place. Yet all we have heard from various SOS is that it is NOT their responsibility to vet a candidate for POTUS. They point a finger at the media and scream “it was their job to vet him”……….just where does the buck stop? THEY ALL LOVE TO PASS THE BUCK.

  9. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ SAYS ” As a Jew it is INCUMBENT upon me to stand with my Muslim brothers and sisters”…………REAL TWISTED MORON! I ask when did Jews become Muslims.

  10. Running these people off of their land so the usurper and Hilliary can sell Uranium to the Russians, for a kickback to the Clinton Foundation.

  11. “Former House Majority Leader Claims FBI Is “Ready To Indict” Hillary Clinton”

    Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been under investigation by the FBI for several months, and former U.S. House Majority leader Tom DeLay said Monday that the FBI is “ready to indict” her for using a private email server to conduct government business.

    “During an interview on “The Steve Malzberg Show,” DeLay, a Republican from Texas, said he has friends in the FBI who tell him “they’re ready to indict” the former Secretary of State.

    “They’re ready to recommend an indictment and they also say that if the attorney general does not indict, they’re going public,” DeLay said.”


  12. MEET THE OWNERS OF FOX NEWS and their STAR Commentator !


  13. SORRY THAT DIDNT POST…it was a picture of Megan Kelly and the Prince of Saudi Arabia, who has a controlling interest in Fox News….now do you have any questions….?







  17. Bob Strauss……….
    ………..in thinking about the alleged mass arrest in Oregon, I can’t help wonder if the so called FBI agents were actually BLM goons with PHONEY FBI CREDENTIALS. This sort of mass arrest is not really something that the real FBI does very often. When such a mass arrest would be in order it would not happen the way the mass arrest did. I believe that the head honcho at FBI had NO IDEA that this was happening ,and that arresting officers had pretended to be FBI. If this turns out to be the truth the family of the deceased has a very winnable civil case against the BASTARDS,and the boss who pretended to be FBI officers. If the sheriff was present he had an obligation to check the credentials of all involved, but whole thing becomes a cat of a different color if the protesters were arrested by the Sheriff. Now that we have a corrupt Federal government there is only a very, very remote chance that FBI was actually involved. However I personally think that it was really a BLM GOON SQUAD pretending to be FBI. The simple fact that the sheriff was present tells a tale. There is a NOW a need for the FBI officers to publically identify themselves, and confirm their association with FBI. Their credentials need to be fully verified, in FBI personell files. Just as was the case with Mzzzzzzzzzzzzz.Fuddy. I believe that the Federal Marshals accompanying her were PHONEYS, and it was one if them who administered a massive shot of drugs under water, which led to her heart stress and alleged failure. This has another name also……. it could be called a “Jim Mc Dougal cocktail.” A massive overdose of cocaine, leads very quickly to heart failure.


    FOX News host Greta Van Susteren asked her conservative viewers if they will tune in to Thursday’s GOP debate now that Donald Trump has announced he will not participate.

    83% of viewers said they WILL NOT watch the debate.

    Did you get that…..83%…!!!!

    Good !!!! When a snot-nosed biased Commentator thinks she can control what the American people should and should not hear…then she is in deep ‘Kemshie’ (that’s rotten Korean cabbage)….and just stepped into a big pile of smoking manure…..

    Megan Kelly has really stepped on her ‘yeng yang’ this time…..with a poll showing the Fox network will lose 83% of the viewers for that debate…they might as well cancel it and put re-run cartoons on !

    When this ‘no-debate’ is over…I will bet my boat that someone gets fired over this crap….Fox will certainly lose any and all reputation as an ‘honest and unbiased’ reporting channel….they will have earned through Megan Kelly’s stupid all they will get…..a sharp downward spiral in popularity polls….. and the only winner in this will be Donald Trump who is set to sweep Iowa, NH, SC and that will be the end of all debates…and hopefully the end of Megan Kelly too !!!!

    Well number me among that 83%…i plan on listening to Trump’s thing with the ‘wounder Warrior’s’…..you should too.

  19. oldsailor83 | January 27, 2016 at 6:29 pm |

    The story I am hearing here in Reno is that he had his hands up sticking out the vehicle window, and he was shot in the face, 3 times.

    FBI/BLM, usurper goons, running ranchers off of the land so they can give it to the Russians for Hilliary’s Uranium kickback deal, to sell 20% of America’s Uranium to the Russians.

  20. CW,
    How would this all go down if the FBI determined she was selling secrets to various people around the globe, by sending top secret info to them via email?

    Would they arrest the traitor on the spot,or just recommend an indictment to the usurper’s DOJ?

    I would like to see Hilliary be treated like the Ethel Rosenberg, including a perp walk in an Orange pantsuit, and terminate with a public hanging.


  21. AND NOW……….
    ………an Iowa voter has told Fox news that he WAS a Trump supporter, but because Trump will not be participating in the so called debates, he has now decided to go with Cruz. This tells the story on that person. He obviously wants an INELIGIBLE POTUS……JUST LIKE THE ONE WE HAVE NOW. Such a childish reason for changing his vote also tells the story about his level of intelligence. REAL TWISTED DUMMY! I can’t help wonder what the childish voter will have to say when the LIBERALS bring their eligibility suit against Mr. Cruz…………AND WIN!

  22. BECAUSE………..
    ……..one thing we can be certain of…. the probability of a DNC lawsuit against Cruz will materialize………it is only a question of when. In addition you can also be assured that it will be heard expeditiously in a Federal Kangaroo Court. I will be very surprised if it doesn’t happen………90% probability of happening!

  23. ………..Hillary Clinton might be indicted………the FBI can INDICT a ham sandwich, but the likelihood of it leading to a grand jury is about NIL. It would be strung out until Obama leaves office, and the last thing he will do officially is pardon Hillary.

  24. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-overstates-cruz-challenges/ar-BBoGNXT

    Trump’s comments on Illinois Cruz ballot qualification questioned by MSN. Reports that objections to Cruz and Rubio are yet unresolved and hearing officer Jim Tenuto may ask for a meeting Feb 11.

  25. Additional comment that resolution of objections might delay Feb 4 start of early voting.

  26. oldsailor83
    Is this worth reading or not?

    Sarah was in the fertilized egg business. She had several hundred young pullets and ten roosters to fertilize the eggs. She kept records and any rooster not performing went into the soup pot and was replaced. This took a lot of time, so she bought some tiny bells and attached them to her roosters. Each bell had a different tone, so she could tell from a distance which rooster was performing. Now, she could sit on the porch and fill out an efficiency report by just listening to the bells.

    Sarah’s favorite rooster, old Butch, was a very fine specimen but, this morning, she noticed old Butch’s bell hadn’t rung at all! When she went to investigate, she saw the other roosters were busy chasing pullets, bells-a-ringing, but the pullets hearing the roosters coming, would run for cover. To Sarah’s amazement, old Butch had his bell in his beak, so it couldn’t ring. He’d sneak up on a pullet, do his job, and walk on to the next one.

    Sarah was so proud of old Butch, she entered him in a Show and he became an overnight sensation among the judges. The result was the judges not only awarded old Butch the “No Bell Peace Prize” they also awarded him the “Pulletsurprise” as well. Clearly old Butch was a politician in the making. Who else but a politician could figure out how to win two of the most coveted awards on our planet by being the best at sneaking up on the unsuspecting populace and screwing them when they weren’t paying attention? Vote carefully in the next election. You can’t always hear the bells.

  27. bob, your guess is as good as mine.
    However, these guidelines should rule.
    It is all about protecting Obama and Obama controls Justice Dept.

  28. hapnHal………
    ……….there is little doubt in my mind that we have an ABUNDANCE “BANTY ROOSTERS” who never stop trying to become KING OF THE ROOST………but in the final anaylsis they are still CHICKENS,…………..and all have their own BAAWK, BAAWK, BAAWK which translates to ………BULLSHI#!

  29. AND……..
    ……….I stand with Trump. Instead of standing , and slinging BS all night he is going to help raise money for VETS. I would vote for him OUT OF THANKS for his effort……….which carries a lot more weight than political BS sessions. Sadly a few of the narrow minded Iowans don’t see it that way, and have decided to vote for an INELIGIBLE CANDIDATE instead. Doesn’t say much for their level of intelligence either.

  30. This morning from IL Hearing Officer for Election Board
    “My Recommendations will be transmitted today. The information as to the location and time of the meeting will be set in detail in the Notice to be attached to the Recommendation. It will inform you that the Board will meet on Monday, February 1, 2016, at 10:30 am You can attend either in the Chicago or Springfield offices of the Board. In Chicago, the Board will meet in Suite 14-100. ( next to where the case management conference was held). You will have an opportunity to address the Board prior to them voting on my Recommendation.”

  31. BillG…………..
    ………I had thought that your case had been denied. Obviously my error. Praying for POSITIVE outcome. GOOD LUCK!

  32. hapnHal……..
    ……….with respect to my earlier ROOSTER comment, I hasten to add that our family once had some laying hens, and a big ole white rock rooster who we had named FRITZ, and he reined supreme in the roost. One day a BANTY ROOSTER came from out of nowhere and started terrorizing the hens. It didn’t take Fritz long to deal with the intruder. Fritz had a set of spurs that measured close to 3″ in length each………and he knew why he had them as well, and what they were for. After he dealt with the Banty we measured the Banty’s spurs……..as I recall they were only about 1 and 1/2″ in length. I buried his carcass a few minutes later…………FRITZ HAD DONE HIS JOB IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COURT OF THE CHICKEN WORLD! I guess the morale of the story is “DON’T BITE OFF MORE THAN YOU CAN CHEW”. FRITZ LIVED A PRETTY GOOD LIFE, BUT INEVITABLY HE AGED AND WAS LATER RELAGATED TO THE DOGS’S FOOD DISHES.

  33. Bob
    Re: FBI investigates Hillary’s emails.

    What needs to be done is follow Hillary’s email recipients and the bcc’s. If this isn’t done we should bring back Edward Snowden to help with the investigation.


    Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he would not be participating in Thursday night’s Fox News debate, citing differences with the network. But one news outlet claims the source of the antagonism has to do with the candidate’s stance on immigration.

    As reported by Western Journalism, Trump was critical earlier this week of Megyn Kelly’s inclusion as a debate moderator, “I think she is not a professional,” Trump said of the Fox News personality. “I don’t think she’s a very talented person. I don’t think she is a good reporter. I think they could do a lot better than that.”

    A feud erupted between Trump and Kelly last August after the network’s first presidential debate, when Kelly asked a sharply-worded question regarding some of the businessman’s past comments about certain women.

    The Trump campaign released a statement Tuesday night, which read in part, “Unlike the very stupid, highly incompetent people running our country into the ground, Mr. Trump knows when to walk away.

    Roger Ailes and FOX News think they can toy with him, but Mr. Trump doesn’t play their games.”


    According to Breitbart,com, Kelly’s treatment of Trump is not the only source of the antagonism between the candidate and the FOX network.

    Breitbart’s Julia Hahn writes:
    “Trump has shined a spotlight on one of Washington’s best kept secrets: namely, Fox’s role via its founder Rupert Murdoch in pushing an open borders agenda.

    The Trump campaign is a direct threat to Murdoch’s efforts to open America’s borders.

    Well-concealed from virtually all reporting on Fox’s treatment of Trump is the fact that Murdoch is the co-chair of what is arguably one of the MOST POWERFUL IMMIGRATION LOBBYING FIRMS in AMERICA, the Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE).”


    Behind every media story there is another REAL story….and the REAL story behind the Kelly/Trump fight is about Rupert Murdock’s fight for OPEN BORDERS in America…….my friends, it’s that simple……

    It appears to me Megan Kelly is only acting as a “Water Girl’ for Rupert Murdock who is pushing for ‘OPEN BORDERS’ in America…..and i might add, she is attempting to carry a load that is far above her pay grade, and way above her weight limits !

    So now we know the OTHER story….which is the hidden the REAL story.

    It appears to me Megan Kelly is only ‘whoring herself out’ to her top boss, Rupert Murdock, the ‘kingpin’ in a drive for “Open America’s Borders” and his hidden efforts to bring more illegal aliens and terrorist into our country who only want to KILL US……

    The PNAE is a great example of that movement for OPEN BORDERS and Megan Kelly doesn’t give a ‘tinkers damn’ if that happens, and for the right price, she will even assist in making it happen…… …as long as she gets her fat pay check at the end of the week !!!..

    Remember what I have always said, and the principle I have always followed and lived my life by:……
    “Behind every story, behind every motive, and behind every movement in politics, or in the public propaganda machine (main stream media) , there will always be a WELL HIDDEN AGENDA”, that is not generally known to the public at large, which becomes, in reality, the real story……

    The only thing that “JUST HAPPENS” in politics/and the media propaganda is Sh*t…, and that’s an unstoppable under the laws of Mother nature.

    Way to go Donald !!!…seems like you are upsetting the movers and shakers who are pushing for OPEN BORDERS in our America…..YOU STILL HAVE MY VOTE !

    This REAL AGENDA of Megan Kelly and Rupert Murdock must get out to every American, and they must understand what this fight is all about…

    But that may be very hard to do……..since they own all the microphones and control the airways.

    So tonight my friends….I urge you to TUNE OUT… or TURN OFF FOX…..

    If ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ turn off our televisions, or at least switch the channel from FOX to the Bugs Bunny Cartoon channel, that would be a great start !

  35. hapnHal…………..
    ………..With respect to Snowden you might be on to something there. I would be a believer that he might very well be in possession of information that could get him killed……….and I am sure he realizes that fact. To date there has been more than ample demonstration that certain people have no compunction whatsoever about murdering those who might have damning evidence. TAKE A LONG LOOK AT Mzzzzzzzzzz.Fuddy, Vince Foster, Ron Brown, Jim McDougal, etc. There is over 50 names of people who were casual acquaintances of the Clints, and all died very questionable deaths. Many of them were immediately cremated, and no post mortems. We now have a government which operates exactly like the Italian mafia once did, and I have heard STILL DO……..in Sicily!

  36. oldsaiolr83…..

    I liked your “Chicken” story……got a good laugh out of it this morning…


    From wikeapedia;
    “The United Arab Emirates includes the Emirates of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ras al-Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain, Ajman, Fujairah and Sharjah.

    Sexual relations outside a traditional, heterosexual marriage are a crime. The death penalty applies for homosexuality.

    Punishments range from jail time, fines, deportation, and the death penalty.

    Adultery and fornication are also crimes, and a person convicted of homosexuality may also face charges of adultery if they have a spouse while having sexual relations with a person of the same sex.

    Homosexuals are strongly discouraged from traveling to the UAE including Dubai for any reason.”

    I wonder if Mr. Obama was aware of this before the purchase ?

  38. oldsoldier79……….
    ……….I am doing a lot of research wherever I can with respect to the Oregon standoff. There are still some holdouts. Here is food for thought…….Mzzzzzzzzzz.Harriet had long ago stated that the fight was NOT OVER. I have a strong notion that her slimey little SNOTNOSED son is involved right up to his childish LITTLE EYEBROWS, and quite possibly along with the Clints. I have read that there are KNOWN very substantial deposits of uranium throughout that area of the Pacific Northwest.

  39. IL Board to Rule Monday 2/1 that Cruz and Rubio are NBC

    Recommendations do not reject solely on administrative grounds and say Board has authority to decide if candidate is qualified as NBC.

    Says Minor is dicta and can be ignored. (Interesting to me that Wong Kim Ark opinion accepted Minor)

    Hearing is Monday, suggestions are welcome. Five days to file appeal.

    Issue of Board Member oath and validity of statement of candidacy is not addressed in recommendation; may be moot of Board agrees both are NBC.

    Will bring to hearing 2009 book Cruz wrote forward to which says on p 115 you must be born in US.

  40. IN ADDITION………..
    ……….a mineable uranium belt extends southward through Utah, and on into Northern Texas! As I recall there was some uranium mining operations that were forced to shut down because many of their people fell victim to radiation poisoning! At least one such shut down was a US Government operated facility. The poisoning gained a lot of bad press at the time

  41. BillG…………
    ……….I believe that unless our politicians begin to respect the Constitution soon that America will soon turn into a no mans land with a Chinese leader, and our young people will say……..C-O-O-L, MAN! How do you fix STUPID quickly? Of course those who are trying to fix the problem need a little more than THREE WORD VOCABULARIES, and ignorance of our Constitution to begin with. Hell Bill lets get behind Putin for POTUS……….at least he sounds as though he has a set of gonads. Our young people ought to jump on board quickly for him.

  42. Hillary Clinton Faces Possible Espionage Charges

    It’s almost a guarantee that the FBI will recommend the Department of Justice convene a grand jury and seek an indictment for espionage for Hillary Clinton.


  43. OLDSAILOR83….

    you said…’……….I am doing a lot of research wherever I can with respect to the Oregon standoff. There are still some holdouts. Here is food for thought…….Mzzzzzzzzzz.Harriet had long ago stated that the fight was NOT OVER. I have a strong notion that her slimey little SNOTNOSED son is involved right up to his childish LITTLE EYEBROWS, and quite possibly along with the Clints. I have read that there are KNOWN very substantial deposits of uranium throughout that area of the Pacific Northwest.”

    I agree with you…I too believe Reid is up to his eyeballs in this mess…and right now murder is an acceptable way to deal with patriotic Americans…

    What EVERY American must come to grips with is this……..

    “If the government can MURDER an unarmed citizen in Or….. and get away with it…then they can do the same thing ANYWHERE in America they wish to do so….and where will their next target(s) be ?….Texas ? Indiana ? North Carolina ?…and what will be their excuse for targeting the next group of citizens?

    For speaking out against their elite corrupt government ? or perhaps against the corrupt justice system which is a laughing stock ?…or how about for just speaking out like you and I do every day ? We are vocal in our opinions, but I damn sure have no intentions of changing, and I’m sure you don’t either !

    My friend, our country is in BIG trouble and has been for some time now, by my estimate well over 25 years …..and now it’s all coming to a head and “somebody must pay the piper for his tune”…..

    it has boiled down to US against THEM….

    We outnumber them,…. but right now, they outgun us.

    I have often wondered how, and why we let our dear nation get to this point in history……we are at the point where all the effort of those brave men and women who sacrificed to make this a great nation has been for nothing…..

    And the real slap in the face is….if your a veteran who fought to make this country great……well sorry, your now classified as a TERRORIST !

    We are truly living in an upside down society now…….it sickens me just to think of it !

    I pray Trump has some good dependable people guarding his back right now !

  44. Bill G | January 28, 2016 at 1:41 pm |

    IL Board to Rule Monday 2/1 that Cruz and Rubio are NBC

    Recommendations do not reject solely on administrative grounds and say Board has authority to decide if candidate is qualified as NBC.

    Says Minor is dicta and can be ignored. (Interesting to me that Wong Kim Ark opinion accepted Minor)

    Hearing is Monday, suggestions are welcome. Five days to file appeal.

    Issue of Board Member oath and validity of statement of candidacy is not addressed in recommendation; may be moot of Board agrees both are NBC.

    Will bring to hearing 2009 book Cruz wrote forward to which says on p 115 you must be born in US.


    Bill G,
    I have noticed that a certain group of traitors, at Harvard, are obfuscating the definition of NBC to accommodate their alumni, usurpers, Obama and Senator Cruz, by promoting their, “Anchor baby is NBC theory”.

  45. A REMINDER ……

    Do not DVR, or cut over to Fox. …Do NOT watch Fox News. …This is a BOYCOTT.

    If you just surf through Fox, you will show up in the ratings as a share.

    Please do not give them this honor……


    On Trump Boycotting the Fox News Debate:

    If you think this fight is just between Donald Trump and Megan Kelly, you are more than naive,… your bordering on stupid.

    Trump is raising a MEGA-Movement, a Counter-Revolution, by standing against the Globalist Elite who own both the Republican and Democrat parties, and own the Mainstream Media who own all the Spin Doctors like the NeoCon Review’s gang of 22, Charles Krauthammer, and Megyn Kelly.

    He is standing against the establishment who controls the six huge corporations that own the T.V. and radio media, all of the major news papers, most of the small so-called independent papers, and the 99 percent of the publishing houses. In other words, everything we see on television and everything we read in the rag sheet newspapers.

    These are the people who also own and control the non-federal Federal Reserve, and all the Western Central Banks that have held our country hostage to their money scam and their New World Order Agenda, robbed us of Constitutional Governance, and have relegated our children and their grand children to a debt slavery system that can never be repaid in a quasi-Marxist Poverty State.

    This coming ELECTION is between Donald Trump and the Globalist criminals who now control every aspect of our Government, and every NGO that is pushing a Globalist agenda – from the Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros, UN, EU, UNESCO, USAID, Clinton Foundation, and the Obama regime.

    Simply put, and without a doubt, this coming national election is the most important election in your life time, maybe in the history of this Republic.

    Please don’t sit this one out on the sidelines…..stand up for America…while you still can stand,… or forever stay on your knees in slavery…..

    Remember, it’s your choice…not theirs !

  47. Watch Trump, Santorum, and Huckabee tonight on OAN online.
    One Amerca News


    For those with no CNN cable tv…like me.

  48. Are we waking up yet??
    Fox news being exposed with their liberal, open border, anti-Trump agenda.
    Now, FBI professing to go rogue if Hillary not arrested.

  49. Mel Bundy to Newsmax TV: “They started firing on him. They shot him. He went to the ground — and they shot him some more.”

    Watch this bombshell interview with the Bundy brother tonight on Newsmax TV at 9 p.m. ET on Dennis Michael Lynch: UNFILTERED. Live on Newsmax TV- Directv 349, Dish 223, FiOS 115, or NewsmaxTV.com.

    Mel Bundy to Newsmax: Cops Killed Rancher ‘In Cold Blood’

    Mel Bundy, brother of Oregon protest leader Ammon Bundy, claimed Wednesday that cops “murdered” their group’s spokesman “in cold blood” during a shootout.


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