Trump wiretap by Obama camp and subsequent controversy Democrat smokescreens (diversions), Christopher Ruddy nails it, Obama himself never ordered such a wiretap (Valerie Jarrett?), Clapper intelligence agencies found “no evidence” of collusion between Trump’s campaign and the Russians

Trump wiretap by Obama camp and subsequent controversy Democrat smokescreens (diversions), Christopher Ruddy nails it, Obama himself never ordered such a wiretap (Valerie Jarrett?), Clapper intelligence agencies found “no evidence” of collusion between Trump’s campaign and the Russians

“High importance. I met with Jim and Mike in Denver. They are both old friends of the Clintons and have lots of experience. Mike hosted our Boulder Road Show event. They are reliving the 08 caucuses where they believe the Obama forces flooded the caucuses with ineligible voters. They want to organize lawyers for caucus protection, election protection and to raise hard $.”…Podesta Wikileaks email leak

And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”…George Orwell, “1984″

“We are being lied to on a scale unimaginable by George Orwell.”…Citizen Wells


Obama stated that he personally did not order a wiretap of Donald Trump.

Did Valerie Jarrett?

From Newsmax March 5, 2017.

“Trump and Democratic Smokescreens”

“I spoke with the President twice yesterday about the wiretap story. I haven’t seen him this pissed off in a long time. When I mentioned Obama “denials” about the wiretaps, he shot back: “This will be investigated, it will all come out. I will be proven right.”

The big news Saturday after Trump’s disclosure was the fact that neither Obama nor any Obama administration officials actually denied that Trump’s offices were ever wire tapped.

Instead the press focused on the rather narrow denial that Obama himself never ordered such a wiretap. [Wouldn’t it strain belief that a major presidential candidate’s offices were wiretapped and the president was never informed?]

Today on the “Meet the Press” James Clapper, Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, denied any agency that operated under him, including the FBI, ever wiretapped the Trump offices. “To my knowledge,” he added. [Wasn’t Clapper the same man who testified under oath that the NSA never collected phone data on millions of Americans — a fact proven untrue by the Snowden revelations?]

But the most important Clapper revelation from “Meet the Press” was this: He empathically told Todd the Obama intelligence agencies found “no evidence” of collusion between Trump’s campaign and the Russians. Nothing. Nada.

If that is true, and Trump is right he was indeed wiretapped, it will only fuel his argument that Obama administration officials improperly eavesdropped on his offices.

Trump will be justified when he claimed in tweets yesterday that this was Nixon-style “Watergate” activities.

There are number of couple things to remember here as this story unfolds:”

“Clearly, the Democrats aren’t interested in a fair process. They are on a mission: torpedo Trump early.

This week, President Trump gave a bold and inclusive speech to Congress. It won wide praise. The Democrats don’t want Trump to succeed. Hence, all the smokescreens.”

Read more:

Obama et al are masters of diversions.

Trump needs to stay focused.


More here:

26 responses to “Trump wiretap by Obama camp and subsequent controversy Democrat smokescreens (diversions), Christopher Ruddy nails it, Obama himself never ordered such a wiretap (Valerie Jarrett?), Clapper intelligence agencies found “no evidence” of collusion between Trump’s campaign and the Russians

  1. citizenwells

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”…Joseph Goebbels

  2. oldsailor84

    ………because Soetoro couldn’t himself order a wire tap……..doesn’t mean that he WOULDN’T. There is a mile long list of Soetoro transgressions of the law. He seems to think he is ABOVE THE LAW.

  3. oldsailor84

    ………..why is Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Streisand still in the US. She had said publically that if Donald Trump won the election she would leave the country. Hey Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Streisand, I know people who would buy you a one way ticket to another country. Now she alleges that Trump is causing her to gain weight.

  4. oldsailor84


  5. oldsailor84


  6. TODAY………..
    …………I think that Mark Levin has it correct, so lets see what the NEUTERED Americans do about what he had to say last night.

  7. Domenico Frate

    RE: HB 2, LGBT 1.) In order to “receive” benefits from LGBT policy, all gender-transitional folks should have an ID card stating their “transitional nature”, whether that nature is MALEish, FEMALEish, or WHOLLY IN TRANSIT. 2.) It must also bear a PHOTO showing current FACE. 3.) It probably should also bear the date that the bearer first noticed “THEIR DISCOMFORT” with their birth-gender, as provided on birth certificate, so we can monitor the LGBT population to ascertain how long this transition may take to FULL GENDER COMFORT. Psychologists & psychiatrists should get ready to bring us STRAIGHTS up to snuff on this new dilemma. Sorta like the EXPLOSION of AUTISM, there must be “SOMETHING IN THE WATER” to cause this confusion amongst the populace.

  8. Domenico Frate

    RE wiretaps. You are so right-on , as usual.

  9. bob strauss

    Remember this?


    Maxine Waters: “Obama Has Put In Place” Secret Database With “Everything On Everyone” (Video)

  10. bob strauss

    Remember this?


    Controlling the Census: The Obama Administration’s Power Grab

    The preservation and expansion of the Democrat majority is the only reason the Obama Administration is exercising its power and taking over the Census. Last week, without much fanfare, The White House moved control of the Census from the Commerce Department to the Executive Branch.

  11. oldsailor84

    ………..I believe that the original anti terrorism bill which was passed while Bush was in office allowed the MONITORING of international communications only. When was this bill amended to include wiretapping of US Citizens? Do you have any insight regarding that bill.?

  12. bob strauss

    Special Fake News Rap Sheet: Here Are All the MSM’s Lies Surrounding TOWERGATE

    John Nolte
    March 6, 2017

    President Trump doesn’t just flip over the chess board. He shoves it in a wood chipper, flattens your tires, deletes your porn, steals your dog’s affection, sleeps with your sister, slaps your mama, and then cooks and eats your entire exotic fish collection over the burning embers that were once your home. I don’t know about ya’ll, but the poetic beauty of what happened over the weekend certainly brought tears to my eyes.

    This morning’s goal was to update The Daily Wire’s ongoing rap sheet of the MSM’s Fake News Lies, because as you well know, there has been a boatload of new lies since the previous update. In just a few weeks, the national media has been caught telling a whopping 114 lies.

    But with all the necessary and important chaos caused this weekend by Trump’s assertion that the Obama Administration wiretapped him, the decision was made to create a Special Fake News Report that would focus exclusive on all the Fake News Lies the media is spreading regarding Trump’s awesome allegations.

    Let’s start with the biggie, and keep our cumulative count going…


    When the Emperor of Fake News himself, no less than Jake “ReleaseTheGoldenShowersDossier”- Tapper, a virulent Leftist and Trump hater, admits that “there’ve been reports of wiretaps of Trump advisers,” this intentionally-dishonest media talking point that there is no evidence of any wiretaps, is nothing more than a colossal, enormous, hefty, huge, monumental lie.

    The contemporaneous news reports of wiretaps are everywhere, including The New York Times. In a story titled “Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates,” this is what the NY Times itself reported on January 19th of this year, the day before Trump’s inauguration: [emphasis added]

    The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said. One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House.

    I am going to go ahead and repeat this, because it is very important:

    One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House.

    So, on January 19, the White House is reading wiretapped communications surrounding Team Trump.

    Who is the White House on January 19?


    Where was Team Trump operating out of prior to January 19?

    Trump Tower.

    Has The New York Times retracted the story?


    So as far as I’m concerned, this case is closed.

    But wait, there’s more…

    A full two months earlier, on November 7, 2016, Louise Mensch of Heat Street, another virulent Trump hater, reported that back in October, during the height of the presidential election, the Obama Administration was granted a FISA warrant, which gives the intelligence community the authorization to do all kinds of sneaky things, including wiretaps.

    Does anyone believe the F.B.I. requested this warrant without the okay of the Justice Department, or that the head of the Justice Department, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, went ahead without the okay of the White House?

    Backing up Trump’s claim, there are more than a half-dozen independent sources gathered together here and here.

    In other words, there is evidence galore.


    Martha Raddatz of ABC News, who entertained President Obama as a guest at her wedding, and who cried on TV when Trump won the presidency (no, really), said this Sunday morning, while filling in for Clintonista George Stephanopoulos on “This Week”:

    If there was an order, there would have to be probable cause shown before it was granted, evidence of wrongdoing. So, isn’t the president saying this indeed happen confirming that the investigation had enough evidence to get a FISA order?

    Oh! Look! Suddenly the FISA system, which this very same media told us for a decade was nothing more than a “rubber stamp” for the intelligence community, is The Holy Grail of All That Is Righteous and Just In the Universe. And be sure to look at the dates of those “rubber stamp” stories — all during the Obama Administration.

    As you probably know, Raddatz isn’t the only one spouting this nonsense. The MSM’s absurd claim that a FISA approval automatically means that Trump is a Manchurian Candidate, is everywhere.


    Former top-officials in the Obama Administration have been all over the MSM, and allowed to spread the provable lie that a president cannot order a wiretap.

    Ben Rhodes, the foreign policy adviser who was caught red-handed lying about Benghazi and who bragged openly about his ability to manipulate a willing media into spreading the falsehoods necessary to pass Obama’s horrific Iran Deal, went first with this demonstrably false tweet, “No President can order a wiretap.”

    Then, without any pushback from Raddatz (natch), Obama’s Press Secretary Josh Earnest falsely claimed on “This Week” that “the president of the United States does not have the authority to unilaterally order the wiretapping of an American citizen.”

    Now Earnest is being a little sneakier hiding behind the word “unilateral,” but the fact remains that a president can order a wiretap.

    Via Zero Hedge, here is the statute and the particulars…

    (1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that—

    (A) the electronic surveillance is solely directed at—

    (i) the acquisition of the contents of communications transmitted by means of communications used exclusively between or among foreign powers, as defined in section 1801(a)(1), (2), or (3) of this title; or

    (ii) the acquisition of technical intelligence, other than the spoken communications of individuals, from property or premises under the open and exclusive control of a foreign power, as defined in section 1801(a)(1), (2), or (3) of this title;

    (B) there is no substantial likelihood that the surveillance will acquire the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party; and[…]


    Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told Chuck Todd what Chuck Todd wanted to hear, so no one should be surprised that there was, laughably, no pushback when Clapper told Todd that “I can deny it” when Todd asked if Trump was tapped.

    Clapper is a proven liar.

    Clapper also told Chuck Todd that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing between Trump and the Russians. Naturally, the media is memory-holing that important piece of news.


    Remember: there is absolutely no evidence of any wrongdoing between Team Trump and the Russians. None. Nada. Zippo. Even under recycled headlines that lie and smear Trump on this issue, you will oftentimes find a sentence (buried under a dozen paragraphs) that reads something like, “Intelligence officials stress that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing.”

    Nevertheless, without any evidence of wrongdoing, for six months the MSM has worked overtime to keep the Russian Plates spinning as a means to destroy Trump, and has done so through innuendo and outright lies, like the fake BuzzFeed/CNN Russian Dossier.

    This is not a news story backed by evidence. Rather, what it is is a NARRATIVE manufactured by Team Obama and fed to a willing and very partisan media.

    But now that Trump has dealt himself into the game, suddenly this very same media is screaming for evidence to back up his claims about wiretaps. Moreover, the media is outright lying about there being no evidence.

    FACT: Trump actually has evidence. The media has NONE.


    This is what the corrupt national media wants us to believe…

    That all of their previous reporting about and gleaned from wiretaps of conversations between Team Trump and Russian officials, were what exactly…? Was the reporting all lies because there are no wiretaps?

    Or, the wiretaps do exist but were not ordered by the Obama Administration… Well, then who ordered them? Did the media illegally wiretap Trump?

    Or, maybe the wiretaps were ordered by the Obama Administration but through a means that gave Obama plausible deniability… Well, that’s a distinction without a difference. And we are talking about The Wiretapper-In-Chief.

    Or, the wiretaps were ordered against Russian officials and Team Trump got caught in the net… If this is the case, are these anonymous officials lying to Louise Mensch of Heat Street about the Obama Administration’s FISA warrant? And why is the same MSM that constantly cites anonymous sources suddenly discounting these particular anonymous sources? Let’s not forget that Mensch hates Trump every bit as much as the MSM, so it’s not like she’s a friendly source.

    Or, the wiretaps were ordered by the Obama Administration but without Obama knowing… Okay, but how do you square that with The New York Times report that says the White House did know…

    One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House.

    So, let’s actually go ahead and try to square the media’s circular logic…

    From people within their own administration, the Obama White House was given reports based on wiretapped communications. But the Obama administration did not request these wiretaps or know anything about them.

    This utter nonsense is what the MSM wants us to believe.

    Based on actual facts, here is what we do know…


    Multiple sources speaking to news outlets (openly hostile to Trump) have confirmed that the Obama Administration requested and was granted a FISA warrant against Trump, a warrant that would almost certainly have to include Trump Tower, because that is where Team Trump was located at the time the warrant was issued.

    Moreover, numerous contemporaneous reports from news outlets (openly hostile to Trump) practically crow about how these wiretaps are damaging Trump.

    Other than the outside possibility of illegal wiretaps ordered by the media, no one other than the Obama Administration could have ordered these wiretaps.


    Despite a six-month media frenzy, there is so far absolutely no evidence of any wrongdoing between Team Trump and the Russians.

    But there is a ton of evidence backing up Trump’s claims about being wiretapped by the Obama Administration.

    Now we need to ask ourselves why our media is pretending the exact opposite is true.

  13. oldsailor84

    Bob Strauss……..
    ……..after reading the Nolte article you posted I have to say that the article seems to parallel my feelings regarding the entire mess. I believe that Nolte has pretty much nailed it. Thanks for posting the article……..great read.

  14. oldsailor84

    Bob Strauss………
    ……….I have been spending this morning trying to find a copy of the ORIGINAL TEXT of the ANTI TERRORISM BILL which was passed during the bush administration. I haven’t had any luck. I want to know if the language used in the bill allowed for wiretapping a US CITIZEN. As I remember the bill gave an extremely narrow latitude for the DOJ to pursue wiretaps, and I am thinking that it allowed the wiretapping only on international communications (OUTGOING AND INCOMING) BUT THERE WAS ALSO SUPPOSED TO BE EXTREME CARE TAKEN BY FILTERING OUT LEGALLY PLACED CALLS………..EITHER DIRECTION. I HAVE ONLY A VAGUE MEMORY OF WHAT THE CONDUCT WAS TO BE.

  15. bob strauss

    Hilliary and the usurper were not planning on losing the election!


    Hillary Tweets: She Was TIPPED OFF Before Election About Trump Wiretap

    by Kelly Beasley | Mar 5, 2017

    Crooked Hillary Tweets prove she was Tipped off about Trump Wiretap
    Trump was right, again. Democrats tried to rig the election, and then blame it on the Russians.

    Worse yet, the Obama administration likely coordinated with Crooked Hillary with a fake investigation. You can bet that heads will roll soon.

  16. bob strauss

    Maybe this will help.


  17. oldsailor84

    Bob Strauss…….
    Thanks big time for the info. I done a preliminary reading, and right off the bat I found the words FOR GATHERING FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Those were the words which I was striving to remember. If anybody either tapped Kisliaks phone, or General Flynns phone he would have had to possess a FISA warrant. The person who went to the fisa judge would have to have been someone from one of the intelligence agencies, or the state department itself otherwise it is doubtful that the judge would even have heard the alleged reasons for the wiretap which the second time around was granted for supposedly DUE DILLIGENCE. Only key people from any of the agencies are allowed to contact a fisa judge for the purpose of obtaining a warrant to wiretap. This narrows down the possible TRAITORS……….which includes Soetoro’s GOON SQUAD. The information relating to General Flynn WAS GIVEN to the WHITE HOUSE, on the 19th and it was deliberately leaked to the press. This is at TREASON LEVEL, and if the person, or persons responsible are caught, they should face trial for TREASON treason………..and hopefully WILL BE CONVICTED! The buck stops with Soetoro!

  18. oldsailor84

    BTW……….intelligence agencies includes the FBI.

  19. bob strauss

  20. bob strauss

    This is how it works!


  21. bob strauss

    Wikileaks blows the whistle on the CIA

    I wonder if they make smart phones that are FISA government free of snooping?

  23. oldsailor84

    ….AND NOW ……the new travel bill signed yesterday, has been ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL based upon the 10th Amendment, by a Florida Federal Judge.

  24. oldsailor84

    ………….Inasmuch as so many Americans think that government provided healthcare should be an entitlement I say to them THEN THE BEST THING FOR THEM is to learn the HARD WAY. It is time for our government to simply ignore any creating new health care insurance and LET OBAMACARE CRASH, AND BURN………then see what they think. It has been clear for a long time that the liberals think giving FREE heathcare to 15,000,000 illegals AT TAXPAYER’S EXPENSE is ok………Since the DEMOCRATS OWN ACA let them take the resulting heat which will end the careers of most of the liberals.

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