Tag Archives: Attorney Ty Clevenger: "full story will come out

Mike Lindell exposes Fox News: “They are criminals to our country! “, Glenn Beck left with his soul, Attorney Ty Clevenger: “full story will come out, and it will be very ugly for Fox News and the Murdoch family”

Mike Lindell exposes Fox News: “They are criminals to our country! “, Glenn Beck left with his soul, Attorney Ty Clevenger: “full story will come out, and it will be very ugly for Fox News and the Murdoch family”

“MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Says Fox News Has ‘Done More Damage to This Country Than All the Bad Media Combined’

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has asserted that Fox News has “done more damage to this country than all the bad media combined.”

The reason for this, Lindell said, is that conservatives expected them to speak out about discrepancies during the 2020 election.

“Shame on Fox!” Lindell said during a Lindell Report broadcast. “They’ve done more damage to this country than all the bad media combined because we expected them to speak out!

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Fox and Obama controlled by Saudis, Glenn Beck leaves with soul, Beck seeks honest system, I’m not going to play the game anymore.

Glenn Beck, on his radio show Thursday, June 30, 2011, made the following statements.

““You cannot solve anything if you are not dealing in an honest system,” Glenn said. While FOX is the most honest system out, Glenn said that he wanted to operate in a complete different fashion than every other cable news network.”

“I know enough now to know it doesn’t work.”

“Mark Halperin’s apology for making a disparaging remark about Obama is a perfect example of why traditional cable networks will fail. “I’m more offended that you’re apologizing for something that you actually believe.  Say it.  That’s why these systems are going to fail,” Glenn said. The fact that Halperin has now been suspended for telling the truth is baffling to Glenn.”

“I’m not going to play the game anymore.”


Glenn Beck stated he was  leaving with his soul on his last Fox TV show .

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From Attorney Ty Clevenger.

“And why is Fox News working so hard to kill this story? I wish I could say more about Fox’s behind-the-scenes treachery — and someday hopefully I will — but rest assured that Malia Zimmerman’s May 17, 2017 story about Mr. Rich was fully vetted by senior Fox management. I repeatedly encouraged Fox’s attorneys to postpone settlement discussions with Seth Rich’s parents until I obtained the FBI records (my client, Ed Butowsky, was a co-defendant with Fox), but Fox was hellbent on settling the case in October / November. That’s around the time Rupert Murdoch publicly joined forces with Joe Biden. Fox had a very strong defense, yet it rolled over and played dead, settling the lawsuit and then firing Ms. Zimmerman. Sooner or later, the full story will come out, and it will be very ugly for Fox News and the Murdoch family.”

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