76.1 percent Covid19 deaths among fully vaccinated in UK mirrors Vermont breakthrough deaths, 2021 daily death rate 16.9 % greater than 2020, Fake news media and government lies destroyed  

76.1 percent Covid19 deaths among fully vaccinated in UK mirrors Vermont breakthrough deaths, 2021 daily death rate 16.9 % greater than 2020, Fake news media and government lies destroyed

“Furthermore, when you get vaccinated you know that you are now subject to the risks of the vaccine,” he said. “If you don’t get vaccinated, you only have a chance of contracting Covid, and therefore a chance of assuming the risks of Covid—it’s not 100% certain you’ll get Covid just because you were not vaccinated.”…UCI Medical Ethics director

“Why are we vaccinating healthy adults when 81 percent of Covid-19 cases are mild and there is  a 99 percent survival rate. Why are we testing vaccines on children who are minimally impacted by the disease?”…Citizen Wells

“I’m not afraid of blowing the whistle “because my faith lies in God and not man … You know, like what kind of person would I be if I knew all of this — this is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration], you have the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] CDC, that are both supposed to be protecting us, but they are under the government, and everything that we’ve done so far is unscientific.”..Jodi O’Malley registered nurse

From GateWay Pundit.

Analysis Shows More COVID Deaths in 2021 than 2020 with Large Percent of 2021 Deaths Fully Vaccinated

“While Vermont is a small state, the fully vaccinated share of the total loss of life from Covid-19 is an even higher percentage than any of the states reviewed so far.  In September, according to the Vermont Daily Chronicle, 76% of those who died of Covid-19 were fully vaccinated.

When we look to the UK, the picture looks as bad as in Vermont except on a larger scale which should be a concern as our country’s numbers tend to lag the UK’s by a few weeks.

The following table from the UK government can be found here, on page 15.  It shows that between week 37 and week 40, there was a total of 2,805 covid-19 deaths and 2,136 or 76.1% were fully vaccinated.  These deaths happened within 28 days of a positive Covid-19 test.”

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7 responses to “76.1 percent Covid19 deaths among fully vaccinated in UK mirrors Vermont breakthrough deaths, 2021 daily death rate 16.9 % greater than 2020, Fake news media and government lies destroyed  

  1. “Why is the US campaign to test and administer Covid vaccines to children worse than what Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele conducted?

    Because it is being flagrantly carried out in broad daylight in front of brain washed citizens who still should be asking questions but are being intimidated by Orwellian media and modern day “Thought Police.””…Citizen Wells

  2. CW…….
    ………..people with extremely low intellectual capacity are those who are going to cost America DEARLY. They are being deliberately DUMBED DOWN by our educational systems from the first grade to college graduation. US History is NO LONGER TAUGHT, nor is Civics. Our young people are being taught that UP is DOWN, and because they they no longer have the intellectual acuity to discern reality from fantasy our youngsters will believe ANYTHING they are told by a LIBERAL ARTS wordsmith. Weak minds ARE WHAT THEY ARE.!!!!!

  3. AND,
    …..fully vaccinated people can still contract Covid 19 infection. = REALITY!!!!

  4. AND,
    ……….new variants of the Covid are arriving every few months.

  5. Today,
    ……….I read an article written by an American author who believes that the UN is a wonderful, world serving organisation. In truth the UN is anything BUT. They have become almost a carbon copy of the old League of Nations. About all they seem to know how to do is sit in an easy chair near a fireplace, and puff on cigars.

  6. AND NOW……

  7. Pingback: 70 percent of Covid19 deaths in Sweden fully vaccinated, Mirrors UK and Vermont reports, Zero reasons to mandate vaccinations especially in children | Citizen WElls

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