Remembering Otis Chad Tucker Facebook post honoring his dog Otis, Local WGHP 8 news anchor, Post had received thousands of likes shares and comments

Remembering Otis Chad Tucker Facebook post honoring his dog Otis, Local WGHP 8 news anchor, Post had received thousands of likes shares and comments

“Dog is God spelled backwards”


Occasionally an article in print is worth reading and sharing.

This is one of those occasions.

I was dumping newspapers in the recycle bin when an image caught my eye.

One that I did not recognize.

One from last Friday’s edition of the Greensboro News Record.

I was both sick and extremely busy last week so I apparently set aside this issue.

I read it today and must share it.

From the Greensboro News Record Friday July 8, 2016.

“Remembering Otis”


“Chad Tucker knew the Facebook post honoring his dog Otis, who had recently died, had struck a chord when he started receiving messages from as far off as London, Sydney and Budapest.

Less than 24 hours after posting photos and a long tribute to Otis and his final “bucket list weekend” with his family, the post had received thousands of likes, shares and comments.

“Everybody has that dog that meant so much to them,” Tucker said.

Tucker, a local news anchor with WGHP-8, is well-known for sharing much of his life with his viewers through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Otis was a frequent star of such posts, whether it was photos of him in a bow tie serving as the ring bearer at Tucker’s wedding when he married Meredith, his wife, in 2012, or videos of him and their daughter, 2-year-old Carson Parry, having a tea party. For nearly 10 years, Otis was also an occasional guest of broadcasts and always accompanied Tucker on appearances in parades and at children’s events.

Otis died three weeks ago after a brief illness. He spent a week at the Surry Animal Hospital and, after little improvement, Tucker made the decision to bring Otis home for one last weekend filled with all his favorite things.

“I picked him up on Friday and our first stop was Pilot Mountain,” Tucker said.

The weekend was filled with picnics, long car rides, ice cream, a visit with Otis’ favorite bank tellers and playtime with Carson Parry.

“We wanted him to know how much we loved him,” Tucker said. “We thanked him for all he did.”

On Sunday, after the better part of a day spent on the Blue Ridge Parkway, Tucker said it was clear that Otis’ time was nearly up. He had stopped eating, drinking and going to the bathroom.

Tucker and Meredith dropped Carson Parry off with a friend and arranged to meet their veterinarian at his office and say goodbye. Their 3-month-old daughter, Pearl Monroe, slept through the entire thing.

“You go in with this little guy that just means so much to you,” Tucker said, “and all you have when you leave is a collar.””

“Tucker adopted Otis in 2006 at the behest of neighbors looking for a home for the Jack Russell terrier-bichon frise mix, who was just 6 weeks old. Tucker said Otis helped him get through some tough years early on, and they spent a lot of time together on long car rides. In more recent, happier times, Otis had become a big brother to Lucy, another rescue Tucker and his wife adopted in 2012, and a best friend to Carson Parry.

37 responses to “Remembering Otis Chad Tucker Facebook post honoring his dog Otis, Local WGHP 8 news anchor, Post had received thousands of likes shares and comments

  1. citizenwells

    The older I get the more I appreciate how special dogs are.
    There is a reason they are God spelled backwards.

  2. oldsailor84

    When I was forced to have my little girl euthanized, it tore my heart out. I loved her dearly……….my worst moment came when the vet checked her and said “she is gone now”. Every time I think of those words it hurts like hell itself. I had held her until she passed. She was a bichon fries, and I looked upon her as my guardian angel. I believe to this day that she was sent to me by God. The circumstances surrounding her adoption were quite unusual.

  3. oldsailor84

    spelling error…….not FRIES………supposed to be FRISE.

  4. Oldsailor84 — Bichon Frises are some of the cutest and sweetest dogs alive. And are they ever SMART! But remember this: She isn’t really “gone”; she’s just gone FOR NOW. You WILL see her again, and she will run in circles around your feet from the sheer joy of being together again.

  5. bob strauss

    How George Soros Singlehandedly Created The European Refugee Crisis – And Why

  6. oldsailor84

    AND TODAY……..
    ……….we were once again treated to a liberal BS session with respect to Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.Lynch………pure unadulterated BS! Slick Willy made sure the FIX WAS IN! It’s OK though because he won’t be able to FIX GOD’S COURT! He and his TWISTED wife have a hell of a lot to answer for…….including the probable MURDER of many people. I look upon them as Arkansas TRASH.

  7. oldsailor84

    …………thanks …….it has only been about a month and I still have some bad moments. Perhaps the pain will die down a little after a bit more time has passed. I miss her big time. I know at least she is no longer in pain. She had cancer. It moved through her like an express train!

  8. oldsailor84

    ………….Slick Willy made his sick twisted character abundantly clear to the world when he LIED TO THE CONGRESSIONAL GRAND JURY…….AND BY SO DOING he violated his oath of office at the highest level and rightfully should have been removed from office. Thanks to the efforts of a few borderline criminal pals in Congress he was only censured. Two of them have passed, but a number of their criminal friends in high places still remain. They too will receive their just rewards in GOD’S court as well.

  9. oldsailor84

    ………….Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Ginsburg should be apologizing to the other members of SCOTUS for her twisted public remarks about Donald Trump. I have long suspected her of being an overt member of the LBGT community. Many such people have WEAK MINDS.

  10. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is now 83 years old. She has undergone both chemo and radiation treatments for cancer. Ruth now uses a wheel chair on a regular basis.
    Perhaps age is catching up with her. Ruth could be in the early stages of dementia. Dementia causes mood changes, forgetfulness etc.
    But the Supreme Court justices answer only to themselves and God when it comes to stepping down from the bench. Once Congress hath joined a nominee and his office, only death or retirement can separate them.

    For example, there is no evidence to suggest that Justice Rehnquist’s poor health affected his intellect, but the speculation over his absences last session and the course of his illness has reignited debate about a long-standing problem for the court: If a justice is significantly impaired, there is no way to remove him from the bench.

    The Constitution provides for involuntarily removal of justices only by a process of impeachment. It requires a showing of serious wrongdoing but has nothing to do with mental competence. And yet since its founding, the court has struggled with incompetent, addicted and even insane justices.

    Like Obama, Ruth needs to keep her mouth shut and her opinions to herself.

  11. citizenwells

    What an idiot!

    “California Councilwoman Suggests Dead Dallas Cops Got What They Deserved

    Just a few short days after five Dallas officers were murdered in a horrific shooting, Reinette Senum – a Nevada City, California Councilwoman – posted her thoughts on the shooting to the politically-correct Facebook, proclaiming “this was completely incited by America’s police force.””

  12. oldsailor84

    ………….There might come a day when Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Senum will scream for help from a cop………or perhaps she will call 911 and be turned away………in either case it would seem that cops are unnecessary to her…..therefore SHE WOULD CERTAINLY GET WHAT SHE ASKED FOR………..”DO ONTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO ONTO YOU”. Maybe she has never heard the preceding words in her lifetime.

  13. oldsailor84

    …………you have hit the nail squarely on the head. I too have thought for many years that there should be legal provisions with which to remove a SCOTUS justice who simply cannot for whatever reason adequately perform his/her duties as such. I entertain the notion that for far too long it has been assumed that a justice would periodically examine his, or her own performance, and remove themselves for the good of the court should it be deemed necessary. Like our POTUS there should be periodic fitness examinations by certified physicians. I would indeed make a case regarding Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.Ginsburg…… is a 90+ person who has a propensity to fall asleep during critical testimony. In my own mind that impairment by itself would be more than ample reason to remove her.

  14. oldsailor84

    …………perhaps with Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Senum it is more a case that she simply believes that nothing will ever happen to her because she fancies herself as “TOOOOOOO SUPEEEERIOR” for anything to happen to her. We have a lot of people in government who follow such beliefs. Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.Clit is ANOTHER such person. Close on her heels is Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,POSI, and right down the line to Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.POCAHONTAS, and Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. McGasp of Missouri.

  15. oldsailor84

    BIDEN SAYS……….
    ………..Soetoro tells law enforcement officers that they are institutional racists. This seems to say that it is time to stop watching over, and protecting such believers. Let them protect themselves. I am sure that a black person doesn’t want a racist cop near him/her. Time to put the ball in their court………lets see if they can apply the law without being deemed a racist. Might become a real learning experience.

  16. I meant to send this one…

  17. bob strauss

    Nevada City councilwoman apologizes for saying police ‘incited’ Dallas shooting

  18. citizenwells

    “Former DOJ Prosecutor Sues Obama, Black Lives Matter And Eric Holder For Inciting Race War”

    “In a lawsuit filed in Texas, Larry Klayman – a former prosecutor for the U.S. Department of Justice and founder of the conservative watchdog organizations Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch – has accused President Obama, Black Lives Matter founders and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder among others, of fueling a race war that led to the murder of police in Dallas last week. The lawsuit seeks “to redress the incitement, threats and killings provoked by the defendants.”

    In his lawsuit, Klayman also named Al Sharpton and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in the suit. The lawsuit, filed Saturday in Dallas, alleges that the defendants are guilty of civil rights violations, terrorist promotion of gang activity, and aiding and abetting murder.

    The defendants are accused of “inciting the imminent serious bodily injury and killing of police officers and other law enforcement persons of all races and ethnicities, Jews, and Caucasians by convincing their supporters and others that there is a civil war between blacks and law enforcement, thereby calling for immediate violence and severe bodily injury or death in response to that non-existent and fictitious threat.””

  19. bob strauss

    FBI Director Comey is a board member of Clinton Foundation connected bank HSBC. « InvestmentWatch

    It seems that our beloved FBI Director is or until very recently was a director and board member of HSBC, which is tightly connected to the Clinton Foundation. Check out some of these links:

  20. Breaking News !!!! Obama signs Executive Order allowing Military Force Strikes against U.S. Citizens !!!!!

  21. Also breaking…………
    Hey buddy “Can you spare some money for a cup of coffee?”
    Judicial Watch: Obama Travel Cost Taxpayers over $79.5 million

    JULY 13, 2016
    Obama Family’s 2015 Martha’s Vineyard Vacation Cost Taxpayers $465,420 in Secret Service Expenses Alone

    Obama 2014 and 2015 trips to New York, Washington, California, Rhode Island cost taxpayers an additional $1,226,599.45 in Secret Service expenses

    (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained records from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security revealing the Obama family’s August 2015 vacation on Martha’s Vineyard cost taxpayers $465,420.49 in Secret Service expenses alone. This included $457,310.33 in hotels, $271.56 in car rentals, and $7,838.60 in air/rail travel.

    The records were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on November 24, 2015. Judicial Watch sued The Department of Homeland Security, of which the Secret Service is a part, because it had failed to respond to 19 FOIA requests from Judicial Watch since July 21, 2014. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-01983)).

    The new records reveal that Secret Service expenses for presidential travel included:`

    Trip to Seattle and Los Angeles, July 2014: $237,731.05 on hotels, $19,888.70 on rental cars and $1,451.40 on air/rail travel – for a total of $259,071.15. This trip was solely for fund-raising, specifically to boost the treasuries of two “super pacs” for congressional candidates in the mid-term election. Judicial Watch previously reported that Air Force transportation expenses for this trip cost taxpayers $2,425,085.50 – bringing the grand total to $2,684,156.60.
    Trip to Westchester, NY, and Providence, RI, August 29-September 1, 2014: $63,177 on hotels and $1,801.45 on rental cars – for a total of $64,978.45. This trip was for fundraising and attending the wedding of an MSNBC host. Judicial Watch previously reported that Air Force transportation for this trip cost $1,539,402.10 – bringing the grand total to $1,604,380.50.
    Trip to Martha’s Vineyard, August 2015: $457,310.33 on hotels, $271.56 in car rentals, and $7,838.60 on air/rail travel – bringing the grand total to $465,420.49. This was the sixth year for the Obama family summer getaway to Martha’s Vineyard.
    Trip to Palm Springs, February 2015: $149,101.36 on hotels and $9,199.38 on car rentals – for a total of $158,300.74. This trip was reportedly to meet with leaders from 10 Southeast Asian nations to discuss North Korea, China and trade. But, the president also played golf, held several Democratic fundraisers, and filmed an episode of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.” Judicial Watch previously reported that Air Force travel expenses for the President totaled $1,031,685 – bringing the grand total to $1,189,985.70.
    Trip to New York City, July 17-20, 2015: $266,186.04 on hotels and $1,112.31 on car rentals – for a total of $267,298.35. This outing was a weekend getaway for the president, his daughters and some of their friends. The president also attended a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Manhattan. Judicial Watch previously reported that Air Force travel expenses for the President on this trip totaled $309,505.50 – for a grand total of $576,803.85.
    Trip to Los Angeles, October 2014: $140,640.94 on hotels and $3,118 on car rentals – for a total of $143,758.94. On this trip, the president designateda portion of the San Gabriel Mountains as a national monument. He also attended a Democratic National Committee fundraiser. Judicial Watch previously reported that the President’s Air Force travel expenses totaled $1,176,120.90 – for a grand total of $1,319,879.80.
    Trip to Los Angeles, June 18-21, 2015: $311,922.11 on hotels and $21,269.71 on rental cars. This trip was for a speaking engagement with the U.S. Conference of Mayors and for Democratic National Committee fundraisers in private residences in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills – for a grant total of $333,191.82.
    The First Family’s Martha’s Vineyard vacation, their sixth in the past seven years, was spent at the lavish Blue Heron Farm in Chilmark, a seven-bedroom, nine-bath, 8,100-square-foot estate, sitting on 10 acres of farmland. The estate features 17 rooms, expansive water views of Vineyard Sound, an infinity pool, and a tennis-basketball court. It rents for $50,000 a week. Judicial Watch previously reported that the First Family’s travel aboard Air Force One for this trip cost taxpayers $619,011.

    The current grand total of known Obama travel-related expenses now stands at $79,630,433.93

    “Taxpayers should be incensed that the Secret Service’s resources on wasted to provide security for endless golf excursions, political fundraisers, and luxury vacations,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “President Obama’s travel is a scandal. It’s about his abuse of the office and his abuse of hard-earned taxpayer dollars.”

    Yes,and Michelle comments….
    “For the first time I am really proud of my country.”

  22. More on our sicko pResident

    Now Sicko invites a Radical BLM leader to the White House……. for what? Tea, Smoke a Joint or Sex?

  23. oldsoldier80



  24. Breaking News !!!! Pentagon approves.”Use of U.N. Military Forces against U.S. Civilians” !!!!! Twenty-seven foreign nations involvement !!!!

  25. oldsailor84

    ………..and why am I NOT HEARING a national howl of protest? Are Americans so SHEEPILISED that they NO LONGER CARE ABOUT THEIR OWN COUNTRY? My gut seems to say YES.

  26. oldsailor84

    …….as long as the US Constitution is still the law of the land such OCCUPATION FORCES CANNOT LEGALLY EVER SET FOOT IN AMERICA. Americans will be completely justified in declaring war upon any OCCUPATIONAL INTRUDERS……….NO MATTER WHO INVITED THEM IN. To legally allow FOREIGN OCCUPATION the US CONSTITUTION will have to be either be legally suspended (MARTIAL LAW), or will have to be permanently rescinded………..I believe that either scenario will precipitate a NATIONAL CIVIL WAR which will make the war of 1865 look like child’s play. The BASTARDS who PERPETRATE such anti American action will be among the FIRST TO DIE……..probably as dangling decorations to live oak trees………..NOR WILL WHO THEY ARE, THEIR POLITICAL STATUS, LEGAL STATUS, COLOR, OR GENDER MATTER! When such a war begins there will no longer be such a thing as ENFORCEABLE LAW. IN WAR THERE IS NO LAW……….only that which exits the muzzle of a firearm at 2700 FPS will carry any authority.

  27. bob strauss

    Trey Gowdy shared Congressman Ron DeSantis’s video.

    Stonewall: the Loretta Lynch Story is the story of the nation’s top prosecutor refusing to answer any questions about the decision to give Secretary Clinton a p…
    See More

  28. bob strauss

    Trey Gowdy shared Congressman Ron DeSantis’s video.

    Stonewall: the Loretta Lynch Story is the story of the nation’s top prosecutor refusing to answer any questions about the decision to give Secretary Clinton a p…
    See More

  29. oldsailor84

    ………….if such ILLEGAL OCCUPATION is attempted it will drive American forces DEEP underground, and from that position would keep striking the occupiers with an extremely painful, and costly guerilla war.

  30. bob strauss

    Listen to Issa at the end, when he talks about the Clinton Foundation.

  31. oldsailor84

    Bob Strauss………
    ………..there is NO LIMIT to the LEVEL of politics to which the CORRUPTION EXTENDS. The ENTIRE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AS WE KNEW IT IS CORRUPT. This has been plain to see for months. Until Americans get this fact through their head, it will continue and get much worse.

  32. oldsailor84


  33. oldsailor84

    ………….it is PAINFULLY CLEAR that the entire DOJ right to, and including the AG is totally corrupt……….end of story! Now what the hell is America going to do about the corruption?

  34. bob strauss

    Judicial Watch

    A newly-released email and lobbying documents filed with Congress reveals new ties between Clintonworld and members of a network operated by a mysterious Islamic cleric from Turkey.

    Connections between Clinton and acolytes of the imam, Fethullah Gulen, could muddle the complex relationship between the U.S. and Turkey, a key NATO ally, if the former secretary of state wins the White House. – via The Daily Caller
    New Ties Emerge Between Clinton And Mysterious Islamic Cleric
    A newly-released email and lobbying documents filed with Congress reveals new ties between Clintonworld and members of a network operated by a mysterious…

  35. bob strauss

    oldsailor84 | July 14, 2016 at 4:04 pm |

    Bob Strauss………
    ………..there is NO LIMIT to the LEVEL of politics to which the CORRUPTION EXTENDS. The ENTIRE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AS WE KNEW IT IS CORRUPT. This has been plain to see for months. Until Americans get this fact through their head, it will continue and get much worse.
    They were given plenty of rope, and now they are in the process of hanging themselves.

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