Tag Archives: Twitter Wikileaks saved on Wayback 3 hours ago

Twitter Wikileaks saved on Wayback 3 hours ago, Heavily armed ‘police’ appear outside Ecuadorian Embassy in London where Julian Assange has political asylum

Twitter Wikileaks saved on Wayback 3 hours ago, Heavily armed ‘police’ appear outside Ecuadorian Embassy in London where Julian Assange has political asylum

“The past, he reflected, had not merely been altered, it had
actually been destroyed. For how could you establish, even
the most obvious fact when there existed no record outside
your own memory?”…George Orwell, “1984″

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”…George Orwell, “1984″

“”You’re a traitor!” yelled the boy. “You’re a thought criminal!””…George Orwell, “1984”


Twitter is still down.

From Wikileaks 3 hours ago saved on Wayback Machine.

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PHOTO: Heavily armed ‘police’ appear outside Ecuadorian Embassy in London where Julian Assange has political asylum (photo, Tuesday morning)



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