Tag Archives: Truth Social update February 21

Truth Social update February 21, 2022 7:00 PM, “We have stabilized the account creation process. We are working to increase the rate of new account creation.”

Truth Social update February 21, 2022 7:00 PM, “We have stabilized the account creation process. We are working to increase the rate of new account creation.”

I have been trying to set up my account all day.

Here is the current status:

Monitoring – We have stabilized the account creation process. We are working to increase the rate of new account creation.
Feb 2119:32 UTC
Update – We have continued to improve the performance of system components for account creation and are increasing rate limits for new account creation.
Feb 2117:38 UTC
Identified – Due to the overwhelming demand at launch, we are currently rate-limited on onboarding new users to the platform. We are working to increase signup capacity for onboarding and will continue to update this status as capacity increases.
Feb 2116:06 UTC
Investigating – Apple released the Truth Social application in the App Store at 23:00 20 February. The Truth Social application is online, although user creation is currently rate-limited during our rollout. We will expand capacity over the coming hours to enable more users to join Truth Social.
Feb 2104:24 UTC

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