Tag Archives: Biden Corruption Tied To Ukraine Disaster

Biden Corruption Tied To Ukraine Disaster, Ukraine invasion explained , Bully Putin uses weak corrupt Biden who uses crisis as diversion from US economy and forum to talk tough

Biden Corruption Tied To Ukraine Disaster, Ukraine invasion explained , Bully Putin uses weak corrupt Biden who uses crisis as diversion from US economy and forum to talk tough


***  update  Mar 5, 2022  ***

Due to increased interest in this story the actual Ukrainian court ruling can be viewed here:



I agree with Tom Fitton of Judicial watch, Putin is to be blamed for the invasion.

But there is much more to the story.

Did you know that Joe Biden was listed as an alleged perpetrator of a crime in a Ukrainian criminal complaint in May 2020?

“Ukraine judge orders Joe Biden be listed as alleged perpetrator of crime in prosecutor’s firing”

“The infamous story of Joe Biden’s effort to force the firing of Ukraine’s chief prosecutor in 2016 has taken a new legal twist in Kiev, just as the former vice president is sewing up the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination in America.

In Kiev late last month, District Court Judge S. V. Vovk ordered the country’s law enforcement services to formally list the fired prosecutor, Victor Shokin, as the victim of an alleged crime by the former U.S. vice president, according to an official English translation of the ruling obtained by Just the News.

The court had previously ordered the Prosecutor General’s Office and the State Bureau of Investigations in February to investigate Shokin’s claim that he was fired in spring 2016 under pressure from Biden because he was investigating Burisma Holdings, the natural gas company where Biden’s son Hunter worked.

The court ruled then that there was adequate evidence to investigate Shokin’s claim that Biden’s pressure on then-President Petro Poroshenko, including a threat to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, amounted to unlawful interference in Shokin’s work as Ukraine’s chief prosecutor.

But when law enforcement agencies opened the probe they refused to name Biden as the alleged perpetrator of the crime, instead listing the potential defendant as an unnamed American.

Vovk ruled that anonymous listing was improper and ordered the law enforcement agencies to formally name Biden as the accused perpetrator.”

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Here’s the Shocking Reason Why Putin is Invading Ukraine

By Wayne Allyn Root

“There are so many complex reasons for Russian President Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine. And so many outcomes yet to be determined — sadly, all of them bad for the USA.”

“The lesson is “peace through strength.” Only by being tougher than the other guy can you avoid conflict.

That perfectly describes former President Donald J. Trump. I can picture Trump telling Putin, “If you attack Ukraine, we will bomb Russia to oblivion. Don’t try me.” And Putin never did. Putin behaved while Trump was president.

But Putin knows Biden is a feeble old man with dementia. Putin knows he can walk all over him. That’s first and foremost what this is all about: intimidation.

Putin is a bully. He will try to get away with as much as he can while flexing his muscles and humiliating Biden. Putin wants to show the world that Russia is the world power now. And America is a paper tiger.

Putin wants to show the world he is the big man on campus, with the big stick.

And of course, Putin also wants to pillage the abundant natural resources of Ukraine — especially the oil and gas reserves. After all, it’s always about the Benjamins.

But there’s also a shocking bonus to all of this that no one else is talking about.

I believe Putin is sick and tired of hearing Biden and America’s politicians lecture him about “Russia’s corruption.” Putin knows Biden is filthy and dirty. Putin knows the Biden crime family has taken kickbacks and payoffs all over the world. He knows Biden is “the Big Guy” who expects a piece of every deal. Biden lecturing others about corruption is like the Mafia lecturing about extortion.

Putin knows the center of Biden’s corruption was in Ukraine. Biden and his family intimidated, extorted and assaulted Ukraine. A little birdie tells me this is the big bonus for Putin after he invades and conquers Ukraine. He will capture and torture everyone involved in shady deals with Biden in order to unearth the secrets of Biden’s filthy corruption.

Then Putin has two juicy options. Behind door No. 1: Expose Biden’s massive crime wave in Ukraine, shock the world, make Biden step down, embarrass and demoralize the United States and paralyze America’s government. This makes Russia the new big, bad sheriff in town.”

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Wayne Allyn Root Parley.

”As far as Ukraine/Russia war- something is VERY wrong. Media has convinced everyone Ukraine is poor suffering underdog & Putin is evil madman. Can’t watch TV news w/out wanting to jump on plane & go fight for “poor little underdog hero” Ukraine. Even I was falling in love w/Ukraine. Even I saw Ukraine president as “brave hero” after watching news. Then most evil man on planet, communist scumbag, America-destroyer George Soros said we must all support Ukraine 100%. Suddenly I realized it’s all a scam. Every scene we see on TV is pure propaganda. If media & Soros support Ukraine, USA must stay out. This must be about protecting Biden’s secrets in most corrupt nation in world, creating new world order (Great Reset), and covering up Biden’s disastrous presidency.”

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